Interesting: 9/11 footage from NYPD helicopter

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Goddamn it! You know you just opened up a new can of corn for some troofer assholes again, don't you?


Chilling! ... but where's the footage? :dunno: :tongue: ;)

I like how in the OP video, one of the officers in the chopper says something to the effect of "they knocked the whole thing down!"



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Oh dear. Where's WTC7 when you need him?! :tinhat:


That was awful, thank god we don't use VHS any more.
Oh, well, it was a nice clear sunny day to start with, we can decipher that much from the footage of whatever it was we were supposed to be watching.


I believe it was a controlled demolition as well, buildings don't just fall down like that.

How dare you say something so prohibitively verboten! You should be ashamed of yourself! :nono:

Sorry for the post edit/swap BBUST... I didn't mean to screw you up!
Super 8? superbad? ;) Flip Video :cool: ;) Damn u Cisco --- now discontinued !

Will E Worm


Thee's a lot more unseen video and audio out there. ;)

Chilling! ... but where's the footage? :dunno: :tongue: ;)

I like how in the OP video, one of the officers in the chopper says something to the effect of "they knocked the whole thing down!"


Yes, they sure did knock it down. They "pulled it." ;) Video

I believe it was a controlled demolition as well, buildings don't just fall down like that.

Yes. :clap:
Thee's a lot more unseen video and audio out there. ;)

Yes, they sure did knock it down. They "pulled it." ;) Video

Yes. :clap:

How can you denigrate the memories of the victims by not completely believing in the integrity of the Bush administration?????

Shame on all of you who would ever think that a malevolent force could ever been in a position of power within the governance of the USA.

The NSA and the CIA are a saintly organization who work tirelessly day in and day out for the best interest of the everyday US citizens.

We also know that our best ally Israel would also always have the best interests of the US citizens in mind, and with their incredible intelligence networks they would never allow a terrorist attack to reach American shores if they had such knowledge of an attack before it happened. Even if such an atttack would help to get the American people into wars that would greatly benefit the Israeli agenda.

Who would ever think that certain individuals in high places within the US government and foreign governments as well as powerful people who are not a part of formal governments would allow or be complicit in an attack of this nature, even if said individuals stood to profit greatly both financially and politically?

I trust that all people are good at heart and there really is no evil in the world. If there is evil in the world it is only amongst poor white people with no power such as serial killers or child molestors, but it surely doesnt exist at elite levels amongst people with immeasurable wealth, power, and control.

Shame on anyone who would ever think that anyone would lie about this attack being carried out by some people from caves with box cutters.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
How can you denigrate the memories of the victims by not completely believing in the integrity of the Bush administration?????

Shame on all of you who would ever think that a malevolent force could ever been in a position of power within the governance of the USA.

The NSA and the CIA are a saintly organization who work tirelessly day in and day out for the best interest of the everyday US citizens.

We also know that our best ally Israel would also always have the best interests of the US citizens in mind, and with their incredible intelligence networks they would never allow a terrorist attack to reach American shores if they had such knowledge of an attack before it happened. Even if such an atttack would help to get the American people into wars that would greatly benefit the Israeli agenda.

Who would ever think that certain individuals in high places within the US government and foreign governments as well as powerful people who are not a part of formal governments would allow or be complicit in an attack of this nature, even if said individuals stood to profit greatly both financially and politically?

I trust that all people are good at heart and there really is no evil in the world. If there is evil in the world it is only amongst poor white people with no power such as serial killers or child molestors, but it surely doesnt exist at elite levels amongst people with immeasurable wealth, power, and control.

Shame on anyone who would ever think that anyone would lie about this attack being carried out by some people from caves with box cutters.

Check his fucking IP address and see if this isn't WTCWTF with a new account. Wait, he didn't attach a bullshit youtube video. I think we're safe.


what the fuck you lookin at?
As fucked up as the events of 9/11 were, it's even worse to consider that it was most likely an inside job. Our government did it. Buildings don't just implode like that. AND the fact that the world trade centers were built to withstand the force of a 747 crashing into them. They used this as a tool to convince the public that we need to go to war with Iraq. Fucking terrible that our government issued 3,000+ death sentances on it's own tax paying citizens...
As fucked up as the events of 9/11 were, it's even worse to consider that it was most likely an inside job. Our government did it. Buildings don't just implode like that. AND the fact that the world trade centers were built to withstand the force of a 747 crashing into them. They used this as a tool to convince the public that we need to go to war with Iraq. Fucking terrible that our government issued 3,000+ death sentances on it's own tax paying citizens...

Yes, and if you don't think "they" would do such a thing, you have no idea how the world works and you have no concept of history and the evil that has occured on our earth.

If WTC7 was a controlled demolition, then they all were controlled demolitions.

Who with a mind capable of rational thought thinks that WTC7 just collapsed on its own because it had some minor damage to its outer wall???

You had BBC news reading a script, and announcing the collapse of WTC7 30 minutes before it actually did collapse.

And the owner of the world trade center,the bond villain esque Larry Silverstein laughing as he said "we made the decision to pull"

I believe you can separate the morons from the non morons by whether or not they believe the establishment story of 9/11.

I dont claim to know all the details about the who or why, but I know the official story is a lie, and that at least one building(building 7) was a definately 1 million percent a controlled demolition.

But to everyone who has complete faith in Bush or the government or the ruling global elite, it must be nice to be so naive, I was the happiest when I was a young child believing in Santa Clause and the Easter bunny


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yes, and if you don't think "they" would do such a thing, you have no idea how the world works and you have no concept of history and the evil that has occured on our earth.

I think it's fucked up that they would do such a thing. I have no doubt in my mind they did, it's just fucked up is what I was saying.

And who the fuck you think you are anyway? Commin in here spoutin off with only 7 posts?