::Inter-National Experiences:: Trying New Things


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I have been watching quite a number of videos and read about things that people try that are blowing their minds or changing their views just by having seen music videos, tasted food or learned about very unexpected reactions to actions expected to be absolutely normal.

Our very own "Pornstar Foodie" is doing this on a daily basis, stretching her food and similar experiences permanently, but this can be taken to really other levels.

Feel free to share, and if you have a personal experience of this kind, do share!

Here are some korean girls experiencing a very popular music video of the near past. Fun and eye-opening.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
welcome to balkans!

I live in Germany, and in my hometown of Kiel, we have Balkan restaurant, and I have had many colleagues and teammates etc from former Yugoslöavia.

That food is a real treat.
I live in Germany, and in my hometown of Kiel, we have Balkan restaurant, and I have had many colleagues and teammates etc from former Yugoslöavia.

That food is a real treat.

I know, I am from Macedonia, an ex yugoslav country and we really had an interesting cuisine with influences from orient, italy, and the rest, and we somehow created our own. we have had a history of hate, but believe me people here are always friendly, same I can say for Germans since I grew up there as a kid, and Germans might be cold people at first sight, but it's not really like it.


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Jo, you gave me the concept for a new kind of program. Will keep you updated ;)


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
I am a very experimental eater. ESPECIALLY if it comes out of the sea, I'll give it a go.

Some of the unusual things I really like would be jellyfish, cuttlefish, and sea urchin. Shrimp heads are also yummy.

I'm open to pretty much all ethnic foods and cook a lot of dishes from all over the place. I made Pakistani mutton stew with aloo paratha the other night. Mmm, weird delicious spices.


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Bronze Member
As Youtube works, when you are going through a number of videos with specific similarities, the Tube considers what would be the next hot clip you want to watch and present it to you. Right now, Youtube hands me a lot of very interesting options - and you will have to check this.



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I had kidney and steak pie at a pub in the UK last year. The first time I ever had kidney (my mom was forced to eat liver and kidney as a kid and swore it would never be on our table). The flavor of the gravy was fantastic. The texture of the kidney, not so much. It was pretty tasty after I picked the large chunks of kidney out of the dish. ;-)

I've also had kangaroo, emu, buffalo, alligator, etc. and would eat all those again. I'll try nearly anything once.

Found out I'm not a fan of black pudding or blood sausage, goat, tongue, or brain.
I fucking hate kidney. I once ordered "steak pie" which was actually steak and kidney and as soon as the pastry cracked I could detect the pissy smell of kidney and I nearly chundered my brains out right there.

I ate raw horsemeat in Japan. I liked it with wasabi on it. But then, I'll eat anything with wasabi on it. Except offal.

And the other way round :

AKB48 are the best thing in the world, ever.
The first time I ordered a meal in Japan it was a burger and fries from a mom and pop shop. I can't explain it, other than it was a japanese version of american food (I'm assuming that was beef) but I liked it. I later went on to try traditional japanese cuisine, my favorite being yakisoba. mmm mmm good. Also cracked a raw egg over a bowl of rice, mixed it, ate it and I was fine. Sake is fuckin' nasty but it got the job done. I never got the hang of chopsticks though, which was embarrassing.

Looking back, I have nothing but fond memories of my time in Japan. Those were my wonder years.


Closed Account
Years ago I worked for a company where I had to go to India on regular basis. The house we stayed in was rented by the company and we had our own cook. I didn't mind Indian food, in fact it's great, but first time I had kind of a culture clash was when the cook made a dish made out of rice, all kinds of vegetables and... fat cut up in cubes. It wasn't that bad, but just something you wouldn't eat in Europe.

EDIT: great thread by the way :thumbsup:
The first time I ordered a meal in Japan it was a burger and fries from a mom and pop shop. I can't explain it, other than it was a japanese version of american food (I'm assuming that was beef) but I liked it. I later went on to try traditional japanese cuisine, my favorite being yakisoba. mmm mmm good.

You ever go to Lotteria while you were there? its a burger chain kinda like McDonalds, but anyways they had this dark sauce they put on burgers and it tasted goooood. Also been to a lot of restaurants where i ate tempura, yakisoba, udon, and my favorite okonomiyaki. I've actually been trying to figure out how to make homemade okonomiyaki but i'm the kind of person that will burn water or screw up spaghetti.

Been to a lot of other places myself being a military brat and then later going into the military myself:

California/Texas/New Mexico/Arizona/Wisconsin/Maine/Delaware/South Carolina/New Jersey - mostly just places i flew through or spent a few days at for a class or whatever
Hawaii - good food, loco moco and spam musubi
Okinawa - got to see a lot of outdoor-sy stuff
Mainland Japan - got to see Hiroshima, A-bomb museum, peace park, Miyajima little island with lots of roaming deer, lots of other places in that region
Spain - didnt eat the food, really hot women but very religious
Germany - went to a gocart place right outside of the Sembach army base
Scotland - nice place
Turkey - ate doner kebab and lahmacun, also bought a can of Turkish pringles for a million Turkish Lira :p
Saudi Arabia - never left the base so was kinda meh
Korea - favorite was beef bulgogi on rice, though we would sometimes joke around and call it bulgogi surprise since it was rumored that some S. Koreans used dog meat
Iraq - I wasnt allowed to leave the base, also lots of people were shooting rockets and mortars and stuff at us
UAE - just passing through Dubai, would like to take a job there, but their treatment of foreigners worries me

Although i've never been there i've had some good Thai food and Filipino food. Probably a handful of other places that i've been to but just flew through and didnt even get off the plane or leave the terminal.
You ever go to Lotteria while you were there? its a burger chain kinda like McDonalds, but anyways they had this dark sauce they put on burgers and it tasted goooood.

I don't think so, but that name sounds awfully familiar.

This is the place I'm talking about, in Sasebo, Japan. They've gotten bigger since I was there.


Dang, you've been to alot of places. Fellow military brat here. And thanks for your service.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
An overview if you travel in Germany, so you know how and what we it
