>> Input please: thumbs or text?

What do you prefer?

  • Keep it all text like it is

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Show the thumbs

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • I don't have an opinion on this

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You suck Roald, go eat a dick!

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
Guys, we are wondering about the following.

On these pages (alphabet): http://www.freeones.com/html/a_links/

Do you prefer the texts links like it is now? So like this:



OR would you prefer to see the thumbnails from the models? So like this:

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:thumbsup: "Ronald" is this a joke?? "Thumbs" for sure!! :thumbsup::yesyes: Easily the easiest poll I've ever voted for on here..(well, maybe 1 or 2 Got Gisele polls were easier:o but this one is not far off).

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Ugh, I hate agreeing with Mega. :tongue:

But thumbs for sure. It gives me a preview of the girl before I even click the name. I don't know how that could be any better. Well, I suppose that if clicking on a thumb caused my CD drive to distribute two strips of freshly cooked bacon, that would be an improvement. :dunno: Just go with the thumbs for now.

Kandi Kay... yummy.
Yup, I belive thumbs would be a good idea. With only the names it's easy to find the ladies we know and love but seeing thumbs might be a good way for the newer girls to get more exposure.... so I'm going down the list, looking for the Veronica Zemanova links, and then, "oh, my! Who's that other girl next to her? I've never seen her before. I better click on that thumb to see more!"

p.s. the "You suck Roald, go eat a dick!" option was too funny not to vote for it :rofl:
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LOL Bastards!!!!!!
Thumbs are better.
LOL Bastards!!!!!!

Can't talk now...too busy checking out some of the links to the hot chicks I can see from the thumbs in that screen cap I otherwise wouldn't know about.:o


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
You suck Roald. Go eat a dick.
A picture is worth a thousand words; put up a thumb with the gals name by it and jobs a gud 'un.
Yep ! Eat Dick n00b, are you gonna code this one ?
Yep ! Eat Dick n00b, are you gonna code this one ?

It depends...whichever one of you lubbers can do it without crashing the site off and on for a week.:dunno::anonymous
Thumbs Roald.

I'm a brunette fan, with the thumbs I can directly see for the unknow girls for me, if the girl is a redhead, a blonde etc. etc.
It depends...whichever one of you lubbers can do it without crashing the site off and on for a week.:dunno::anonymous


*trying to find the ban button without crashing the server*


Isn't that what they pay you the huge bucks for, boldy?

No, I'm just here to complain and keep my chair warm ...

*looking at the numkey pad determining what position in Pi all permutations of the rows under rotation has*
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*trying to find the ban button without crashing the server*


:1orglaugh:1orglaugh That's the problem...the 'ban' button is too close to the 'reboot server' button.:1orglaugh