If some people took the time to post names above links, and only posted IN THE CRACK links, like the title of the thread states, there might be less of a problem.

Honestly, who gives a crap if a set gets posted multiple times? This thread has 59 pages with a shitload of links on each page, nobody can be expected to know them all. I'd much rather have a bunch of reposts that I can easily close (or check out again, in some cases ;) ) than empty threads because everybody is too afraid of reposting.

:2 cents:
Honestly, who gives a crap if a set gets posted multiple times? This thread has 59 pages with a shitload of links on each page, nobody can be expected to know them all. I'd much rather have a bunch of reposts that I can easily close (or check out again, in some cases ;) ) than empty threads because everybody is too afraid of reposting.

:2 cents:

I was not complaining about reposted links. I was pointing out the irony of a member, who has been asked politely several times to stop posting links in this thread that are not IN THE CRACK links, complaining about people reposting links.