Im sick of it raining!!!!!!!

These damn storms should take a break for an hour or so for christs sake. Alot of my plans have been ruined due to it and its just getting frustrating. :mad:

lone gunman

Closed Account
It has been raining all day but now it stopped.
Been raining on and off all day here. It's coming down really hard right now. Luckily the O's are on the road :thumbsup:


It's been raining for a few days here - just stopped today, & it feels like the sauna from hell outside.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I wish it would storm here, I LOVE thunderstorms! A few solid days of storms would be heaven!
Been raining here on and off for a couple days. Saw the forecast 3 days from now. 93 and humid. Oh, fucking joy!
If I lived in a place where it was cloudy,foggy, rainy, or overcast all the time, I'd be as happy as a pig in shit. We haven't had any rain here in at least a month.


Closed Account
Yeah we have been getting a lot as well we are about 12 inches above this year so far.
everybody send your rain to cali, the govenator declared a drought and sf just had it's driest spring in 159 years.



its been raining here since yesterday
We keep having not only storms, but really bad ones. And today's forecast? "Tornado outbreak possible"

