I'm Gonna Try and Nail My CoWorker

Who gives a fuck about your lame ass, entry level dime a dozen job. I'd say do it, fuck that motherfuckin' hot ass cougar and for christ sakes make sure you go ass-to-mouth with her. They fucking love that.

After all, you've been working out, how the hell is this cum-starved, pre-menopausal vixen going to resist your wily charms? She can't, it's impossible.

"The jacket will never fit Jerry. I've been working out, I'm huge."
You mentioned a promotion. If you are on a higher rung, you can not do it. If you are in anyway above her in the company, it becomes a sexual harassment issue.
You'll keep us posted? Why? Why would I care whether some theoretical online man 'nails' his middle aged co-worker?

Why men just 'gotta' tell complete strangers who they are trying to have carnal knowledge of is beyond me.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You'll keep us posted? Why? Why would I care whether some theoretical online man 'nails' his middle aged co-worker?

Why men just 'gotta' tell complete strangers who they are trying to have carnal knowledge of is beyond me. Why boys do? That makes sense. But men? Dunno.

I'd say because strangers cant worm their way into your real life. Ya know.. that real life area where you're not allowed to do damn near anything cuz you can get fired.. sued.. raped.. beaten.. denied benefits.. and/or th0r0ughly sp8nk3d for being n8ughty.
I'd would be very careful in this area, if she's hot a MILF and wants to jump your ass...go for it dude, there's nothing like a hot mature horny woman. Besides she might teach you something, but at work this may bring some bad results later on. There's a few in my office like that I'd like to jump but one I have a gf and two....workplace screwing around is not a good idea

just my :2 cents:
I'd say because strangers cant worm their way into your real life. Ya know.. that real life area where you're not allowed to do damn near anything cuz you can get fired.. sued.. raped.. beaten.. denied benefits.. and/or th0r0ughly sp8nk3d for being n8ughty.

Then why not keep it between her and you? That's what I usually do.
#1. Your gonna get fired!!!
#2. Don't get your Honey where you make your money!!!
#3. She's 40 and you're right outta school??? Do ya really want a sympathy fuck? That's how she will view this.
#4. Afterwards (if she let's you) you will become a stalker. Then get beaten by her boyfriend...


he was such a pussy he didnt even do anything about it.
So it's like in the wild right ? you were the boldest elk, tiger or whatever :tongue:

At least in the wild ya go toe ta toe :dunno:

your right whatta puss ! It didn't go down like this (+ 53 seconds into clip) huh ? lol !~~
I have a feeling this will go down exactly like a Brazzers' Big Tits At Work episode, she'll be instantly attracted to him once he brags about his penis size/brings up the topic of sex
"May the force be with you, Young Skywalker..."

well it's hard to see her on a daily basis, so it might take awhile to win her over and flirt with her since we have limited time to talk with each other. and it's not a good idea to flood her with charm to try to squeeze it all in there...we have a meeting tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.
and i dont care if i get fired from this job. it's not really my career path anyways. by the time people realize that we've been having sex i'll be looooong gooooone.