Illegal Aliens Making Almost Twice the Minimum Wage And Bennies Upset About Raids

Since some of the workers cited in this report were with Chipotle for 10 years doesn't it seem reasonable that they would earn a wage higher than minimum wage and be awarded benefits due to job performance? 10 years is a lot of time an an employer these days. People do earn raises, Bloody....


That's a fair point, but it does raise (or at least confront) the idea that all illegals are being taken advantage of. At this point we don't know all the specifics.

I do recall a little over a year ago that there was a big stink being made by roofers on the Target center. Whether or not they were illegal was never clarified as far as I can recall, but a good part of those workers couldn't speak English.

Warren Stock, president of Stock Roofing, said the city each week approves workers' pay. Roofers get about $43 an hour, and landscapers about $27

The fact that quite a few of them could not speak English alone raises red flags about their being here and making $27 an hour. Of course this is just one example and there are pleanty more.
american minorites are just plain lazy. i know this minority chick that just has kids so she can up her food stamps. theres nothing wrong with her, shes not missing limbs. the blacks steal from the government because they feel they are still owed shit. the mexicans in this country believe texas all the way to california belong to mexico so they climb, hop and skip here illegaly.

oh and by the by, im a minority and i see it.

And the Mexicans have a point.It was all once Mexico and American illegal aliens moved in and took over.The Mexicans themselves were also illegal aliens of course, having moved in without as much as a "by your leave" to the existing inhabitants.
The whole of America is as it is today because of an influx of millions of illegal aliens (ask any Cherokee or Sioux) and they all want to say "Now we are here anyone else is an illegal alien"

I promise you half of those Americans who can't find work are just fucking lazy and using this as an excuse. The same as here in England.

Well then I guess I'm just in the other half then. I don't blame the illegal immigrents. At the end of the day we are all illegals. I blame the people who hire someone who speaks broken english and is rude to the customers while guys like me sits on the sidelines. Hell I never even got a damn interview. I have a good speaking voice and would be polite to everyone. Where I live you almost never see a white or Asian person working fast food. It's almost always someone with a heavy Hispanic or African accent. The stereotype is that whites ask for more money while Hispanics (especially illegals) work for way less. Not always true but many assume it to be.

So take it from a guy that applied for dozens of jobs during '09 and '10 and got nowhere - not all of us are lazy, a lot of us just have bad luck.

I promise you half of those Americans who can't find work are just fucking lazy and using this as an excuse. The same as here in England.

Whats the problem with being lazy? I got a good job and im lazy too :D
We encounter more or less the same trouble in France because of what the former leftist socialist governments have authorized back in the day. There are a lot of unwilling to work people who have kids who leech of social helps and appartments as well as health care and who aren't even born in France. Do I find this normal and tolerable that some foreign people who have never worked in France nor lived in France during long years are given help before the french born and bred citizens who worked hard during all their life? :nono::mad::cussing::hammer:
We in France have given too much and never received anything back aside Criminality, Vandalism, Ghetto Scum and the Worst douche bags find in the ghettos.
The left has a huge responsibility of what happened, they wanted to assist people that shouldn't be. For the next presidential election in France, I am going to vote against the left. Because of stupid programs of the left like the 35 hours working week, our industry lost over 500000 employees.There are many other things the left is responsible of but there would be too much to list.
It's got to stop... they are leaving their own fucked up countries and coming to ours to fuck this one up. With so many people out of work, IMO any company found employing illegals should be fined into the stone age. We need to take care of our OWN first.

Related story, just yesterday here in VA, illegal that was ordered to be deported TEN YEARS AGO back to Guatemala went on a killing spree, 3 dead and 3 wounded. When will it end?


Hiliary 2020
It's got to stop... they are leaving their own fucked up countries and coming to ours to fuck this one up. With so many people out of work, IMO any company found employing illegals should be fined into the stone age. We need to take care of our OWN first.

Related story, just yesterday here in VA, illegal that was ordered to be deported TEN YEARS AGO back to Guatemala went on a killing spree, 3 dead and 3 wounded. When will it end?

youre right.
no room at the inn.
what's basically happening is the poor people of a country that ruined and continues to ruin itself due to a shitty corrupt government and people overpopulating are pouring into another country and helping to ruin it, or at least they ain't helping it any.
It's basically a slow invasion.
What confuses the hell out of me is why the US GOV allowing it, actually promoting it in many ways.
that's what I want to know.
I feel betrayed.
Truth ...

The problems are complex and the answers are even more complex ...

I have heard of people being turned down for jobs because they were too qualified.

I ran into this during the last recession myself. I was willing to take a major pay-cut and work for far less, even prove myself and grow with a new employer. I was told by several that I was too qualified and they believed I would not stick around when the market rebounded.

And if they hired me, they worked me into the ground, for peanuts, too. Because the ones willing to hire me were the ones that went through employees left'n right, 2:1 to 4:1 turnover rate per year (meaning average employment was only 180 down to 90 days).

So instead, I started my own, small business. A decade later, I'm glad I did. No more BS. So worth the other non-sense to be empowered with making your own decisions and living with your own successes and failures.

First thing you learn is getting fucked over, and how it's still your fault because you let yourself get fucked over. It doesn't matter what the economic system is, it still happens. That's probably why I prefer capitalism (real capitalism, which we don't have here in the US, and haven't since the '80s), because at least I'm in control of what I do and what I sell.

US employers are stupid, and causing their own issues. I run into it all-the-time with my clients, partners and others. I do my best to correct their stupidity and self-inflicting hurt. But I am just one person.

There are some lazy people. I saw a show about fourth generation welfare families. The government needs to cut off people like that.
Sadly, this is also truth.

One of the ways to stop the "undocumented" generation is to cut off the public non-sense. Companies causing the most issues are relying on public services, and many who consider coming to the US knows this.

The age of immigrants, Americans and American companies actually wanting to "help" immigrants build a better life for themselves is long gone. There are far, far better basic services that cannot be denied to even "undocumented" residents in the US versus their home nation. Hence why it continues, because they know it's here. Not opportunity, but "fall back." It used to be about "opportunity" only.

That's why even if the US government required every citizen to have health insurance or suffer penalties (which is not just a federal / Obama idea, but US states like Mass have done and Romey has championed), it would still not account for continued, unpaid services for "undocumented" residents. And that's just one, small detail.

And that's not my view. I have many first generation immigrants I work with, many here 20+ years. And I have others that have only been granted a H1B Visa, when they are uniquely qualified (advanced degrees in engineering and physics with 10+ years experience designing something never made in the US before), and are not taking jobs from Americans. But they have to go through the non-sense, instead of being given a Green card.

They would have a better chance coming in illegally. Sad, but true. Both groups are so upset with the immigration laws. They favor the "undocumented" workers. Good companies are then caught in-the-middle.

It is so easy to get a driver's license in the US, and so many other things. And the federal and state governments have no right to challenge your citizenship, it's an American civic right not to have to prove you are a resident -- which means that protects "undocumented" residents as well. This is also a major, continuing issue (even Arizona doesn't know how to deal with).

So the US government is going after employers, although it's largely the "documenting" employers that are getting hit. There's no "good answer" here.
youre right.
no room at the inn.
what's basically happening is the poor people of a country that ruined and continues to ruin itself due to a shitty corrupt government and people overpopulating are pouring into another country and helping to ruin it, or at least they ain't helping it any.
It's basically a slow invasion.
What confuses the hell out of me is why the US GOV allowing it, actually promoting it in many ways.
that's what I want to know.
I feel betrayed.
I think Donald Trump said it best on this, and then the greater issues, like in trade ...

He's got business associates in China that cannot believe the US is giving the country away. We "fought" the communists only to partner with a nation that ignores IP and innovation, and when we've lost it all, they will point the finger at us and laugh, saying we're just stupid capitalists.

We have no leaders that will go in front of the US public and tell our fellow Americans that no, they can't have that piece of electronics at the cheapest price in the world. We should have stopped this consumer non-sense in the '90s.

Because after 20+ years, we're heading right into he toilet.

It's a package deal. Politicians care about votes, and the American economy is second. Even most Americans today worry about employment more than the overall economic health of the US -- the first time in ... well ... ever!

Given our graduation rates in engineering, let alone to Americans and immigrants we even let stay here (which are few, sadly enough), we're not going to be able to rebuild our industries once they are gone (even we even bother to try). We are a nation that insults anyone good with mathematics and science, often by second guessing their knowledge.

I've even given up on many things, because I've been lectured about efficient power generation and the environment too many times ... and I'm an Electrical Engineer. As some point, it's just best to admit we're fucked with our leadership and, sadly, the larger issue that they reflect ourselves and our own selfishness.
It's not that there aren't jobs, there ARE, but many of the unemployed aren't willing to take a substantial pay cut, even if it means having a job. And when you make as much on unemployment compensation as you do working a minimum-wage job, what's the incentive to take the job? The jobs are there, but the American labor supply for the jobs is not (willing).

Sorry, but that really is bullshit. There are millions who can longer get unemployment benefits. Or unemployed Americans who couldn't get them in the first place.

The whole argument that, "They do the jobs Americans won't" is BS these days. It's not picking grapes and washing dishes now. And it's not for minimum wage. There are all kinds of jobs ranging from construction, demo and painting to factory work, warehouse work and, crazily, even trucking. And, btw, I don't blame the illegals themselves...I understand they're just seizing opportunity.

While I do think our border security is a joke, beefing it up isn't the only solution. The Federal government needs to drop the hammer on companies and corporations that intentionally benefit from illegal labor. Small fines and slaps on the wrist will not do. We, as customers, need to boycott companies that are intentionally relying on illegal labor. Sadly, none of that is likely. We like shit cheap and politicians likes campaign donations. But the arrogance, pride and supposed laziness of jobless Americans is not the reason why employers are resorting to, and relying on, undocumented workers.

You watch, as more and more illegals feel safe enough to file suit for unfair wages or injuries that occurred in the workplace (something that is extremely new), you're going to see a big shift.
yup we have to worry about the terrorists attacking us from the skies BUT all 4 sides of the US borders are wide open, people cross the mexican/US border easily and ships transporting illegals arrive on US shores daily BUT the terrorists are gonna get us from above


Hiliary 2020
yup we have to worry about the terrorists attacking us from the skies BUT all 4 sides of the US borders are wide open, people cross the mexican/US border easily and ships transporting illegals arrive on US shores daily BUT the terrorists are gonna get us from above

thats two different things. I don't see the connection.
a terrorist attack is always a possibility, they happen somewhere in the world pretty much everyday,
millions of illegal mexicans in the country, many getting free money and services like free child delivery, welfare ect plus just the basic services that legal citizens tax money pays for is a different thing.
I don't have too much sympathy for people that break a just and fair law and then have to face the consequences of that once they are found out. It upsets me they aren't immediately deported once they are found out to be illegal though. I also don't have too much sympathy for a company that gets into financial or maybe even legal trouble because they were the great beneficiaries of lax laws that didn't require them to check the eligibility of their workers with any properly stringent standard, and now they have to lose those workers when they should have did the right thing from be beginning so they never had this problem. I also find it hard to believe they didn't rightfully know a great portion of their workforce were illegals. It's not something hard to figure out. They wanted to play with fire, and quite frankly I think most companies get off light for it.
I don't have too much sympathy for people that break a just and fair law and then have to face the consequences of that once they are found out. It upsets me they aren't immediately deported once they are found out to be illegal though.
Basic, American civics prevents this. The fact that American citizens don't have to prove they are citizens directly benefits those who are here illegally. It's so difficult to prove illegal residency to the point they can be deported. Even after they commit crime (and God one look at Arizona tells you why they are fed up too).

In all honesty, the American justice system doesn't know how or have the common law to do so.

That's why the raids are unlikely to work, at least short-term. They can only go after employment, not direct deportation. And most stick around. That's why the government needs to back up the raids with flat out denial of public services to those who can't prove citizenship.

Americans have a right to exist and live, a right to an attorney when charged with a crime, etc... But a right to public services funded by the tax payer is another story. That right there provides the civic 1-2 approach that should be utilized.

The government hasn't had the balls to do so, and a lot of the left-leaning public don't realize that's what's required to solve the problem. You have to yank both the opportunity and services, including going after Americans who knowingly subvert the system.

The problem has never been the immigrant who wants to work and the American who wants to pay them a "fair" wage. The problem has been the immigrants who don't want to work -- or worse yet, work but bring in the rest of their family that takes advantage of public services -- or the immigrant who does want to work their fair share, but the American who pays them less under threat of calling INS.

The fact that American citizens don't have to prove they are citizens directly benefits those who are here illegally.

I also don't have too much sympathy for a company that gets into financial or maybe even legal trouble because they were the great beneficiaries of lax laws that didn't require them to check the eligibility of their workers with any properly stringent standard, and now they have to lose those workers when they should have did the right thing from be beginning so they never had this problem. I also find it hard to believe they didn't rightfully know a great portion of their workforce were illegals. It's not something hard to figure out. They wanted to play with fire, and quite frankly I think most companies get off light for it.
Unfortunately a lot of companies are doing their part now, with the new I-9 enforcement laws and other things. The problem is that they were never enforced when illegal immigration was at its highest. So we have all these workers that have been here for decades now that are "in the system."

I'll give Obama some credit. He has the first, executive administration that is going after this problem, and it will curb illegal immigration. It's already down thanx to the economy, and this should help. Both Clinton and W. didn't do jack. Clinton really either ignored a lot of issues -- and expanded some (H1B Visas), and W. did more of the same. W. was from a border state himself, and wanted to formalize things, making it worse -- at least without the 1-2 above.

If we're going to given citizenship to those illegally here, we have to first make sure there will not be more. Until then, it can't happen. I'm all for finally making some illegals here in the US, working and being productive, citizenship so they pay taxes and are paid fair wages. But you first have to turn off the flow before that can be done.