Ignore list

Hell, half the fun of posting here is seeing posts by those with whom you disagree so I would not be interested in that feature at all....unless of course we are talking about legendary but banned "humans" (and I use the term very loosely) like Baconsalt and Lovecock. In those cases, it would be quite handy! Thanks for the tip, Oito!

Yes I agree my friend where would the fun in excluding all the funny lamers out the equation be?
I can't imagine ignoring anyone here. The only ones that I would even consider ignoring are the ones that will get banned anyway.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Why would I use the ignore feature...I might miss out on a good argument. I was tempted once...but he closed his account a left.
mmmm i would love petra ,mini dog or pussy+dickdenice to tie me up and put me in time out i been a bad bear send me to there rooms.

i have known about the ignore list but i dont think i can out anyone on there maybe . if lebron james ever wins an nba title i will have to put leborn on it as much as i like the guy i can hear his trash talking now lol

but no seriously i hope i never have to use it
Ooh, ooh ...

Ooh, Ooh ... Pick me! Pick me! :thefinger
I'm aware of it, but I' not using it, even though it probably wouldn't have been so bad at least with one particular user.
I don't like blending out others and their opinions. Trolls or people I dislike have their place, too, even if it's only because the moment they get kicked out fills me with pleasure. :D


what the fuck you lookin at?
wonder how many people have me in their ignore lists? I know I'm on several anyway! :thefinger
^^Agreed. Most folk are decent. But there's always one...:1orglaugh
^^Agreed. Most folk are decent. But there's always one...:1orglaugh

or two or three that manage to crawl from the woodwork. But that is the smallest minority.

Try and go to IMDb and you'll see what hell is all about.
why ignoring them ... life is more interesting then listening to losers ...

having big mouths behind screens is sometimes all one can have ...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Wonder how I get everyone to put me on their ignore list....it would cut down on PMs drastically. LOL
I dont think I would ever ignore anyone here, however the people that have, or do I don't think of them any more or less. It is your decision to use, or not to use.

IMO, I like to read the opositions views, diversity and stances on subjects. Its nice to see the other side of the coin. I don't like it when people take it personally, or shut down just because someone else has a difference in opinions. That is the very laws on life itself. Plants, animals, air, fire, earth and water living in harmony. I just hope as people we cherrish diversity as much as we can.
I don't have anybody on ignore here, but it does make me think of how great it would be if real life could come with an ignore button you could press. Without it we’re forced to do it the hard way. :D
^^Yep, agreed. The hard way: "F*** off!!!" :mad:: :rofl:
Wonder how I get everyone to put me on their ignore list....it would cut down on PMs drastically. LOL

You know, I actually considered that, but I figured I'd get banned so I decided against it. ;)


Re: Ignore list

I would have to think that "control central & gang" over at FreeOnes headquarters gets a kick out seeing who's ignoring who and such, the big soap opera, as it were.

I mean, you guys at HQ can get all that data in one click, can't cha ? :yesyes:
