I truly envy "the greatest generation" of my father but, if anything, I would retrace the steps of my paternal grandmother. She was born in 1897 and died in 1996 at the ripe old age of 98. She witnessed everything that happened from the horse and buggy era to the space shuttle. There were more technological advancements just within her lifetime than in the entire recorded history of mankind prior to her birth. I used to love to sit and listen to her stories as a kid....talking about World War I, the roaring 20's during which she had been a "flapper", the rigors and hardship of the great depression, the intensity of WWII that saw the USA rise to the world power that it still is today. She lived through the Eisenhower years that spawned the cold war, saw JFK assassinated on TV, the race riots and Vietnam War of the 1960s tear our nation apart, saw Nixon resign in disgrace. In the meantime, she saw countless friends and relatives come and go, endured 3 marriages, witnessed the births of several dozen grand and great-grandchildren. She saw communication methods evolve from the simple telegraph to the internet, saw the civil rights movement go from Jim Crow to (allegedly) equal opportunity and rights for all. She was an eye-witness to the most amazing events that occurred in the history of civilization. Her life amazed me as a child and continues to amaze me to this day. She lived during the greatest period in human history in my estimation.