If you were of the opposite sex, who would you think is the sexiest ever?

As a man I would find the following women sexy:

Amy Lee
Angelina Jolie
Dita Von Tease

As a woman I find the above women sexy ;)


Retired Moderator
All right, one more post in order to avoid the thread melting away...

If I were female, I would long for a wild lesbian adventure with Farrah, Sophie Sweet, Anetta Keys... (either separately or together!!!)
I don't know...

I'm pretty sure that if I were a girl I'd like men, but I don't know whom I'd like.


Closed Account
If I were a man... Jill Hennessy (Crossing Jordan) I like what she radiates, her attitude vibes. Confidence, strength etc. I think she is one of those actresses whose character she plays holds a lot of their own personality.