If you were an athlete what would be your signature candy?


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I know this is fucking retarded but you know Marshawn Lynch likes to eat skittles as his trademark candy? My choice would be grape laffy taffy, if I were an MLB player I would eat that stuff chaw style. lol So my question to you is what would be your signature candy if you were a big time athlete? :)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
A snickers bar blended into a giant sized peanut butter cup.


Torn & Frayed.
I wouldn't want one. I'd want to be so good as a player - and role model - that people would name their kids after me.

"In Baltimore, Brooks Robinson doesn't have a candy bar named after him (like Reggie Jackson in New York)....here, people name their kids after Brooks.
Those ring pops. I'd be an aging gunslinger QB who never won that elusive superbowl ring. I am the spokesman for the ring pop company and in the commercials my slogan is "Who needs a superbowl ring when you can have a ring pop?" Its meant to be funny but its oh so sad.