if you could resurrect one extinct species...


My Penis Is Dancing!
Humanit...uh...I mean...pretend you didn't see that (Note to self: The board knows too much!)
The dodo bird. I think it was cute.

Sure they're extinct? There are at least 2 separate sightings recently...although I didn't know they were indigenous to Alaska and Delaware.

I agree they're not good for much more than being cute and make funny noises though.:o


I wouldn't bring any back. There's a reason they're now non-existent and to bring them back into world that no longer suits them would be far crueller than leaving them be.

pfft dude, Gigantopithecus.

You telling me you wouldn't want to share the planet with real life wookies?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The hard-working American.
Irish Elk would make for a great hunting trip.

Megalodon would wipe out our sea life.

We have enough big snakes in the world as is.

I'd bring back the desert bandicoot and name it Crash.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The entire species of the Tiger and Wolves(in a few years)
I've always wondered how those big stakes seen on the Flintstones would taste.

Are you going after some big vampires or something?:dunno:
wouldn't we need to resurrect giant acorn trees to feed the giant squirrels though?

Hmmm... interesting point. Whether or not there actually were giant acorn trees to begin with is a question entirely in need of an answer, but I think it best we tackle that hurdle another time.

Now, with today's modern technological and scientific advancement in the field of the genetic modification of produce, I'm sure we could make a perfectly sustainable food source for the giant squirrel to thrive on and also help prove its effectiveness on the battlefield - I mean who really cares if all of this produce and technological know how would be best served in an attempt to sustain a few 3rd world nations; power is always more important. I mean what else would the giant Wookies with crossbows ride if it weren't for the existence of the giant squirrel?

No, this will totally be worth it.
Sure they're extinct? There are at least 2 separate sightings recently...although I didn't know they were indigenous to Alaska and Delaware.

I agree they're not good for much more than being cute and make funny noises though.:o

I hadn't heard that. I don't think they were. They were only on some Island that for the life of me at the moment I can't remember the name of.:(

It would be cool if they weren't. See I might get mine :D

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Sharks with frickin' laser beams attacked to their frickin' heads. I think they died out in the Cretaceous...


Closed Account
I'd bring back the dodo because I'm tired of people saying such and such will go the way of the dodo.
Unicorn. If you could breed and sell them, there's a fortune to be made. What little girl wouldn't want one?

The same amount of little girls that grow up depressed and hateful towards men because their father's never did buy them a regular pony? Now you want to piss them off all the more by having them be deprived of a unicorn!?!?!?!?!?

Just because you can't get laid doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us by screwing up girls all the more because they weren't given a unicorn! :mad:


Believer In GregCentauro
Scratch that. I want to see Gigantopithecus roaming the planet again. They could be utilized for land warfare or pay-per-view cage matches.

land warfare hahahahahaha...we would all have our own personal chewbacca to defend us and provide moral support.

Sharks with frickin' laser beams attacked to their frickin' heads. I think they died out in the Cretaceous...

Indeed it was the Cretaceous period when LaserHeads were hunted to extinction by the Centauro Clans of Middle Earth.