My Penis Is Dancing!
Humanit...uh...I mean...pretend you didn't see that (Note to self: The board knows too much!)
I wouldn't bring any back. There's a reason they're now non-existent and to bring them back into world that no longer suits them would be far crueller than leaving them be.
pfft dude, Gigantopithecus.
You telling me you wouldn't want to share the planet with real life wookies?
I've always wondered how those big stakes seen on the Flintstones would taste.
wouldn't we need to resurrect giant acorn trees to feed the giant squirrels though?
Unicorn. If you could breed and sell them, there's a fortune to be made. What little girl wouldn't want one?
Scratch that. I want to see Gigantopithecus roaming the planet again. They could be utilized for land warfare or pay-per-view cage matches.
Sharks with frickin' laser beams attacked to their frickin' heads. I think they died out in the Cretaceous...