If I was a draft dodger, I don't think I'd be cracking wise on Veterans Day... like Donnie Trump


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Oh jesus, yes he is a businessman and in an ever growing medium he has to stay competitive. He has been getting a rise out of people ever since he started with his show. But within that persona there is a dyed in the wool conservative. Quite frankly, I have never heard a liberal be able to win a debate against him, so the only option liberals have is to declare him a phony.

Which liberals has he had the guts to debate?


Was King of the Board for a Day
Quite frankly, I have never heard a liberal be able to win a debate against him, so the only option liberals have is to declare him a phony.

I have a problem with this statement. For any pundit on either side, the primary goal is to make the opposition look stupid, so what does that mean in a debate? A lot of interruptions, pointed statements, accusations, double-talk, etc. Considering these factors, no liberal would ever win a debate against Rush, just as Rush would never win a debate against any liberal, and even if at any point one side secretly agreed with the other they'd never say so or give any sort of admission that the other side won.

To say labels arise as a result of losses on the oratory battlefield seems silly, because each side will produce names for the other, win or lose.
I heard Chris Matthews concede that he was sick of the Clintons on Rush's show. That is an indisputable win for El Rushbo no matter how you slice it.

But yeah, to really debate they need a moderator. It's really just a bunch of interrupting and shouting.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I heard Chris Matthews concede that he was sick of the Clintons on Rush's show. That is an indisputable win for El Rushbo no matter how you slice it.

But yeah, to really debate they need a moderator. It's really just a bunch of interrupting and shouting.

I don't quite see how that's a win for Rush, but I'm not going to quibble over something that's most likely difference of opinion.

It really is just a bunch of interrupting and shouting, even with a moderator, but at least you can believe that the moderator will remain impartial.
Well, he is not addicted anymore by all accounts and he sought treatment and it seems to have been a success. To call him an actor when his family are all staunch conservatives is just ignorant on your part. Back pain can be unbearable and conservative or not, sometimes you will do anything to deal with excruciating pain. He absolutely believes what he says. if you can prove otherwise I'd like to see it. I want to hear it straight from his mouth.

If he can make a dime on it he will say it tomorrow. I read once that an addict will make up almost anything to justify his/her habit. As for the family if i was feeding at Uncle Rush's trough I'd be perpetuating the snake oil scam myself. The guys an entertainer pure and simple.
If he can make a dime on it he will say it tomorrow. I read once that an addict will make up almost anything to justify his/her habit. As for the family if i was feeding at Uncle Rush's trough I'd be perpetuating the snake oil scam myself. The guys an entertainer pure and simple.

He comes from a long line of conservatives. You know nothing about him or you would know that his father, grandfather and his brother David were all staunch conservatives. Is his show entertaining? You damn right it is. (no pun intended) Anyway, let's assume for a moment that what all of you are saying is true . He has created this persona and schtick and doesn't believe a word of it. Instead of hating on him, you should all be praising him for duping conservatives.

Nope, didn't think so.
I give him credit for what he has built and what he's been able to do. Although he is a hypocritical douchebag, who I lost faith with when I bought one of his books back in the early 90's and he admitted that he does not believe a lot of what he says and purposely stirs up controversy with half truths to gain ratings.biggest issue is with morons who believe every word he says without researching, so no matter what he says they take that as gospel
Could you provide some direct links or quotes from Rush renouncing conservatism and that he does not believe a lot of what he says in the context of his conservative ideology?

Not "I say and do a lot of things on my show to bring in ratings and to enhance the entertainment value" but more like " I have been playing the fuckers for 25 years and I don't believe a damn word of what I espouse". I'll hang up and listen.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Brian Williams and Chris Matthews to name a couple.

I'd like to see him take on Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, or Alan Grayson in an actual, moderated, fact-checked, judged debate. I could care less who can shout the loudest, interrupt the most, or come up with the cutest personal attacks.
I'd like to see him take on Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, or Alan Grayson in an actual, moderated, fact-checked, judged debate. I could care less who can shout the loudest, interrupt the most, or come up with the cutest personal attacks.


In light of these revelations that Rush is a complete phony, I don't think that would serve any purpose. Sanders and Franken would be the Globetrotters and Rush is the Washington Generals.
I no longer own the book, like most things I've lost during two divorces but when I get off work today I'll go online and see if I can find which book did and get some excerpts

- - - Updated - - -

and I will agree he never said he doesn't believe in any of what he says but he blows I'm up to a ridiculous proportions by his own estimation
He comes from a long line of conservatives. You know nothing about him or you would know that his father, grandfather and his brother David were all staunch conservatives. Is his show entertaining? You damn right it is. (no pun intended) Anyway, let's assume for a moment that what all of you are saying is true . He has created this persona and schtick and doesn't believe a word of it. Instead of hating on him, you should all be praising him for duping conservatives.

Nope, didn't think so.

Did not say he doesn't actually believe some of what hes saying but the man is out to sell advertising and whipping his 'followers' up with outrageous claims or stories just makes it easier for him to do so. I am absolutely no liberal but to claim coming from a 'long line of staunch conservatives' is a good thing is just weird. An upbringing of stuffy one minded intolerant arrogance smacks of child abuse more than a good upbringing. Entertaining? How? Does the man juggle once in a while? Are there stupid pet tricks?? Watching goofy 'former' drug addicts spewing half truths and whipping desperate people into a frenzy is strange way to entertain ones self???

Nope, don't think so.
He plays some awesome parody songs and impersonations on his show and yes it is entertaining. It's a nice mix with his political commentary. Not expecting you to like him, just stating why I like him and yes he is brilliant and also a brilliant businessman.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I disagree. Rush is in a shrinking medium. AM radio was already losing listeners to FM when he came about. It was simple demographics. Music sounded better on FM and thus the younger crowd abandoned AM. The talkers at the time were moved from the night slots to the days. Rush got to fill those day voids following in the coat tails of Barry Farber, Barry Grey, Bob Grant, etc.

Political radio programming is a niche, not a medium. Big fish in a small pond. They syndicate into markets that don't even have zip codes. That was the problem with AirAmericaRadio. They couldn't sell as much soap as the established station's shows. They thought they were going to grab the younger crowd but they weren't there. It was like trying to sell Xbox in a senior citizen home. Do not think in any way that that political broadcasting ratings transfer into a nation's political thought. Most people eligible to vote never vote.
Who said it transferred into the nation's political thought? The past two presidential elections are enough to indicate that it does not.

But he does energize conservatives.
He energizes mindless sheep. This is in general, not saying your a sheep BC