If a woman is really interested in a guy...


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...Does she really give a shit what he does for a living?
This is what I have to get out of my f***in' head.

I sell shoes.
There, I said it.
I'm an Al Bundy.:tongue:
I'm confident at what I do....sorry...lets cut to the chase:

Yesterday I had the most beautiful brunette come into my store and walk into my department.
Long brown hair, tan skin, brown eyes, massive tits, little waist and rockin' ass. She had a low-cut black top on and tight, white jeans with a black studded belt.
I was floored.
In the past I never really chatted up a girl like this before...I would always say to myself "you're a shoe salesman", "you make crap money", "you could never afford to even take her out on a date"..stuff like that.
I really just went with the flow this time and basically had fun with her. No cheesey one-liners though-not my style to degrade women...
She was just as witty right back. When I brought her out a pair of shoes she requested, she had another pair of Nike's in her hand and she looked so adorable holding them. I said to her..."I have a feeling I'm going back into the stock room"..she laughed..and apologised..

So, ya kinda get the vibe. There was a "playing" type feeling...but I didn't push it farther than that. I didn't think she was married.
After she agreed on her shoes...the only thing I could say as she walked away was" come on back and visit us!" .....dumb, huh?:(

I had other associates come up to me and ask what I said and talk about her.
I was still in shock.
I guess I was still being held back. I mean, I felt confident, made eye contact with her..but maybe I should have pursued her? I thought I played it cool.
I suggested to a friend of mine that I should of acted like she was my 100th customer and did something special. Hm-mmmmmmm?

:helpme: :dunno:
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Being out of the market for quite some time now, I really couldn't advise anyone on this subject, I treat my wife as my equal ( well kinda of, I treat her better than I do myself). Being honest, sincere, and yourself should be attributes all women like. Being in business I run into the same scenerio from time to time, eye contact, politeness, and respect work great, a little charm and sense of humour goes a long way. You want them to come back!!!

In my eyes you did the right thing!!! Hind-sight is always 20/20

What you do for a living shouldn't matter, how you act matters the most! :thumbsup:
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I dont see that you did anything wrong , but since you say you got great contact you could have asked her if she wanted to go to see a movie or something. I mean life's to short to hesitate. The worst thing that can happen is that she says no and if i turns out that she says yes you could have gotten yourself a great girlfriend/friend.
Well done FMW!

I've been in a similar situation to that a few years back when I worked in a pet store, which as you can imagine was anything but glamorous! One day this girl walked in and instantly made eye contact with me. Usually I'd turn to jelly and become all self-aware and paranoid but it didn't bother me this time - because I really liked another girl, and just wasn't interested in anyone else no matter how beautiful and eye-contacty they were. I remember being able to chat to her really easily and make her laugh... something I was even surprised about at the time!
It's annoying that I wouldn't be able to do this in a normal situation. If I'm genuinely not interested in a girl, that's when I can be myself. That sucks.


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Funny thing, I couldn't stop thinking about/talking about her until a few hours later....sigh.

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I could care less.

If a guy is hot I want to fuck him no matter what he does.

I could care less.

However some jobs do make a person hotter.

However I dont think any job makes anyone hot less.

If u get what I am saying?
Miss Brittany said:
I could care less.

If a guy is hot I want to fuck him no matter what he does.

I could care less.

However some jobs do make a person hotter.

However I dont think any job makes anyone hot less.

If u get what I am saying?

Yeah women do care what you do for a living. Girls will always look for someone who makes good money and that can provide for her as well. They don't want to get with no bum. I think that and personality of a man go hand in hand. With that said, I don't think it's wrong for women to think that way. They just want a little security in their lives. But that doesn't mean they don't love the guy.

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
Oh my God. That is such an old school version of a woman. Yes there still are women out there like that. However how insulting to those of us who are not.

U know we do work and have jobs now.

Some girls do actually just want to be with hot boys.

Out of my many girlfriends I only have 1 that wants a guy with $.

and I have quite a few girlfriends.
I was talking about long term, serious relationships. If you had to pick between two guys who had the same personality, one makes 100,000 a yr and the other makes 20k, who would you marry?

Yeah of course the majority of the girls I see at clubs don't care about jobs or what a guys hobbies are. They are looking for the hot guy to make a move on.

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I would pick long term the guy who fucks me the best as I make a hell of alot more $ then that and $ just simply has nada to do with anything 4 me.

I have dated billionaires and salespeople.

I have loved them equally.
One thing you are missing Fox, Brittany happens to be more real than most. Im not saying most are bad but its hard to find a real one like Brittany, also dont expect to hear any female here OCSM or not mention they would love a rich guy over a poor one, unless they aint ashamed of they game that is lol.
A rich guy with nothing going for him will beat a poor guy with nothing going for him anyday.
Idk maybe its because I live in a city filled with chicks UNlike Miss Brittany here.
Comparing single men who make good money to single women who make good money is like comparing apples and oranges.

And the day I believe money is not a factor in a girls long term relationship decision is the day I see peace in the Middle East.


Closed Account
I've seen many couples where the girl is just drop dead gorgeous and the guy is quite bland or even geeky. How do you explain that?
If you ask me...two really hot people together cancel each other out. One or both of them will always be looking for something better to fill that void. Either that, or neither of them will trust each other.
I saw an over-weight couple and they seemed so happy together. It was cute. I've seen really tall guys with short women and just the opposite.
Britanny, I'm new to this board, so besides saying "hello" I wanna say that you have a solid head on your shoulders. Much respect!
if you see her again... hopefully you will... ask her out. If she was flirting with you she obviously had some interest in you. THE WORST SHE CAN SAY IS NO. But she may just say YES! Not all women care about money. Just the golddigging hoes, and who wants one of those.
Solid profession that NEVER gets respect ...

Hey guys (and gals), it could be worse.

I mean, you could have an advanced college degree, clear high-5/early-6 figures, work in a very successful industry with few other professionals -- and the guys/gals who do so garner virtually no respect, no interest.


When women ask me what I do, I just say, "oh, I'm a professional with my own practice." That typically gets them thinking I'm a licensed doctor or lawyer, and not a licensed, consulting engineer (even though a P.E. is directly equivalent to a M.D. or P.A. in combined education + internship, and always has been both pre and post-British changes in the profession, long story). Because the second they find out I'm an engineer, my stock goes way down low in their book! I have to downplay my profession. Doesn't matter if I cleared 6-figures last year, even after write-offs (yes, the IRS was very happy), I might as well have been below the poverty line.

Scott Adams' The Dilbert Principle talks about this -- how engineering is one of the most stable and consistently successful professions, yet any man (or woman) who practices it is instantly disregarded as unexciting or uninteresting. It doesn't matter that I'm holding a stimulating, social conversation with them -- that word just completely sends them packing. Women who practice engineering find the same of men, or are considered "tom boys" -- even in the 21st century!

Especially in my field, EE (electrical engineering), where women are scarce. If you find women, you'll typically find them in civil engineering. So I got the double-whammy, I don't work with many women at all. I guess that's the only bonus for women then, they do have choice. Then again, they have to put up with largely men -- which is probably why they still get the "tom boy" rhetoric when they date -- even in the 21st century.

The real sad thing is that even girls and young women are still being teased for being strong in math and science, and there is a real belief that they can't "land a good man" if they are more successful than them. Yes, this viewpoint is still commonplace in today's youth! Being an engineer and active with the local and national organizations, I work with elementry and middle school students regularly, and find it difficult to encourage extremely intelligent women that there is nothing wrong with an interest in engineering.

Probably the only advantage to being an engineer is that you do get some of the best women on the planet as soul-mates. Engineers tend to have very low divorce rates, but I don't think that's so much because of engineers themselves. I think it has to do more with their partner accepting them for who they are -- a profession that doesn't cause women (or men) to run off to their friends and go, "I'm dating an engineer!" like they do a doctor or lawyer. I think it has to do with their lovers accepting them and loving them for what they feel, and not what their friends tell them.
I was in a similar situation some years ago .
I worked in a comic book store , beautiful girl , long brown hair , gorgeous , fit body came in , I helped her in browsing the shelves and organised for her to be able to come in and pick up her comics regularly so she wouldn't miss any issues.

We went out a few times for coffee, lunch , to a movie , nothing really eventuated from it but I was able to spend some time with the most beautiful girl I had ever met .

You never know until you try.
FullMoonWolf said:
I've seen many couples where the girl is just drop dead gorgeous and the guy is quite bland or even geeky. How do you explain that?

Allright wolf - lemme lay it down for you - and this is coming from a player in retirement....

You seem like a really nice guy and the fact that you gave this chick so much thought means that your not some shallow prick and you have substance....thats a good thing believe it or not because the women you meet will be quality females not hoes out to hustle you....

I used to sell Salon Packages on the street and I would get women to dip into their pockets and give me their credit cards on the spot - not an easy thing to do! But being as your a salesman...in a female demographic- brother you've got all the excuses in the World to talk to the ladies (as long as your selling shoes your boss wont give a fuck!)

So here's my :2 cents: and I know it sounds gushy but it really works... If you can make a women feel good about herself - it doesn't matter what the fuck you do for a living, what you look like, how big your dick is, etc... All women really want to here is that they are special, that they are needed, that they mean something to you...that they are attractive, stimulating, enjoyable, ravishing, breathtaking, that you need them, that they have your heart on a string. If your sincere, your gods gift to females, If your being a shmuck - your a player, regardless, this shit works!!!! Tried and tested...

Compliments from the start...thats the way to go...help her shop for shoes based on what she's wearing and compliment her on that... Take interest in her need for the shoes, find out where she was coming from and what she was doing that day...remember the fact that YOU are a salesman means that whatever you say, its not creepy!!!! She came into the store for a reason...BUT!!!! comments like nice feet, or nice legs wont help you, you need to play it cool by making her feel good about herself without making yourself out to be a creep Compliments like "wow you look absolutely stunning! - I think these would go great with what your wearing" Work and they work really well.

Also, women can smell confidence and fear they way cats smell tuna...from miles away! Eminate confidence, energy, excitement, positivity!!!!

REMEMBER!!! Every "no" brings you one step closer to a "yes"!!! You will meet a hell of a lot of women, not to mention sell a hell of a lot of shoes this way...

Just my opinion...I could be wrong...but man...you've allready got the the inside track so flaunt that shit!!!!

If you butter her up enough - it doesn't matter what you do for a living...Because your the shoe salesman that swept her off her pretty little feet and made her spend a fortune because you made her feel special...anybody will recognize that kind of power - and chicks dig power like an aphrodesiac...believe it.

Now get out there and sell yourself, and some fucken shoes and remember

Uncle Baal's got your back!

hardhead said:
I was in a similar situation some years ago .
I worked in a comic book store , beautiful girl , long brown hair , gorgeous , fit body came in

Wow, a hot girl that was interested in comics. She seems like a keeper. ;)