Idiots hurting themselves

Theres a couple that look like they could have died. The motorcycle rider right into the back of a car looks pretty severe.

That guy at the end though, what a fucking moron. He deserved everything he gets.
That was an interesting video, but those are not Darwin awards. Crap- a bunch of the train stuff is test footage, where they are crashing trains into stuff on purpose. The rocket launches and traffic accidents are hardly stupidity. The could have whittled the stupid people down to all those assclowns jumping off rooftops, doing skateboard/bike stunts, and INTENTIONALLY putting themselves in harm's way (Like the truck that intentionally pushes its way through the railroad crossing).

Some of those videos are pretty graphic, but hey, some of them are indeed comical.
Indeed shayd some of them seem as if they were lethal to the people involved, especially the trains and the guy at the end, poor soul must of received some 2nd or 3rd degree burns.