ID this busty lady from nudes-a-poppin for me, please.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Anyone but a moderator please answer.


  • normal_img_2973.jpg
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where did you find that pic? it might help us to find a name..or at least a year for the event
another shot of our mystery woman. At least we have a number now. #30

grr...cant post pics from imgae fap....well...check it out...just search nudes a more word on a name though


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Almost looks like Carly Simon, except for the fact that this girl looks good...

What's that smell? It smells like someone got burnt! :flame:

It really would help to know the year of this picture, though if she's #30 that makes it alot easier.
im pretty sure its 2003 from the other pics ive seen...but dont hold me to that
She appears to have been number 30 at the 2005 Nudes-a-Poppin', identifying herself only by the single name "Anyah".

FWIW, she said she was from Toledo, Ohio when the guy in the Dreamgirls N.a.P. 2005 DVD asked her as he moved through the line of girls.
The filmography in the Buttman at N.a.P. 19 DVD says she was previously in the 11, 16, and 17 of the series, which I think were from the July 2000, July 2003, and August 2003 events.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Thanks for the effort but its really not a close match. I think you may have fixated on the jewelry and not looked too closely at the faces.