I think this sums up the Republican Party schism pretty good

So he lied under oath because of an axe to grind??????????? you and eric should go on vacation together ride tandem bikes and eat ice cream cones.

Condi Rice should be in prison with Cheney and Bush and Rumsfeld. All criminals

Yet Bill Clinton and pantsuit with their crooked dealings and obstruction with their emails and clouds should skate.

Bubba winging off to pedophile Island unscathed while Denny Hastert will probably go to Federal prison or at least cop a plea.

If anybody here is a conspiracy theorist, its you. Its not just partisan politics with you. It is full blown derangement.
They insulated themselves by using a patsy like North. Watch the codumentary or read Gary Webb's book...he who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head....twice. ya, sure he did. There are photos of North standing next to pallets of cocaine as they are being loaded into a CIA plane. And when Gary Webb did the investigation Clinton was already president and the house was republican. If it had happened in the 80s you bet your ass they would have been prosecuted. North had a notebook that hung him and he is forever banned from several central american countries. He took the deal to avoid prosecution because he was fucking guilty. But your faux news gave him his own show LOL

So. When can we expect the Reagan library to be demolished and the U.S.S. Ronald W. Reagan to be hauled off to the scrap yard,?

btw Zippy the boat issue was my shift cable was broken so I replaced both throttle and shift going to gas it up at the marina now. gulf is glass this morning. so enough politics for now. time to enjoy the day. have a good one zippy. have a nice cigar on me.

Thanks and you too.

Now excuse me while I indulge in the most expensive Dominican stogie I can find since you're springing for it. :)
the only good dominican is the opus line. the best tobacco these days is coming from Nicaragua. the Oliva X series is really good. I don't like those mild Macanudo cigars. Fuente makes great cigars but again, too mild. Connecticut wrapper is pretty but flavorless. I'm a Colorado wrapper. I don't like the Cameroon wrapper at all.

I had a beautiful Cuban Trinidad panatella yesterday with an IPA as the sun went down about 5 miles off shore. It was yummy. then I went home and introduced the Hitachi magic wand and the female art of cunnilingus to a mid-20s waitress for the first time.
the only good dominican is the opus line. the best tobacco these days is coming from Nicaragua. the Oliva X series is really good. I don't like those mild Macanudo cigars. Fuente makes great cigars but again, too mild. Connecticut wrapper is pretty but flavorless. I'm a Colorado wrapper. I don't like the Cameroon wrapper at all.

I had a beautiful Cuban Trinidad panatella yesterday with an IPA as the sun went down about 5 miles off shore. It was yummy. then I went home and introduced the Hitachi magic wand and the female art of cunnilingus to a mid-20s waitress for the first time.

Mariah wants to be a dude. lol

I had you pegged as a Don Arturo gal actually.
I rarely ever have anything but Habanos. Not being snobby, I just prefer the taste and strength. I like the Mone Cristo #3 & #4 and also love the Hoyo Epicure #1. I have a nice collection of different panatellas and lonsdales like the MC #1 which is a great smoke when you find a good box. Gerard's in Geneva will ship to the US and his stuff is premium quality. I avoid Cohibas because they are over produced and never what they should be.