This has always been the foolishness of the Republican party. As Maddow says, you talk to Republican voters, they all want small, leave-me-alone government - just talk to any of them on this board. Yet their party never delivers this. And yet they keep voting for them. To their credit, at least the Democrats are honest - they tell you big government and you get big government. For whatever reason, Republican voters can't seem to understand that the Republican party also means big government. Pretty much since the modern day parties became what they are.Talk the talk, but walk the same walk? Not so much.
I think this wraps up the situation of the red side of the aisle pretty nicely.
Your thoughts?
The Democrat party isn't centrist or mainstream . Since you want to go back to Eisenhower perhaps we should take a look at his successor who was a fiscal conservative and wouldn't even stand a snowball's chance at being nominated by today's democrat party.
Conservatives certainly are a dysfunctional family right now but they will find themselves again. Unfortunately once they do, it will be after liberals have taken us down a path of no return . Ronald Reagan was a fiscal conservative but did not have the luxury as did Ike of not having to rebuild a depleted military. He also had to work with Democrats to get anything done. You keep bringing this up and I keep having to state the facts about Reagan . It is obvious that you don't want factual info about his presidency, but rather to disseminate half truths and flat out lies about his legacy
I don't believe filtered lies bub. I lived and experienced the prosperity of Reagan's term. So how much of Reagan's debt are we still paying for? 2 trillion? 5 trillion? Pales in comparison to what we are spending now. And which our great great grandchildren will be left to deal with. What does Obama have to show for all his spending? We have an anemic economy, the poorest job growth by a two term president since the Great Depression. Reagan was a social and fiscal conservative. There was not one piece of legislation that he signed that didn't have to meet a democrat majority approval.
27 years after he left office you are still blaming him, meanwhile there has been 2 two term democrat presidents since then. One who enjoyed the fruits of a bubble, and a speaker with the nads to stand up to him, another who has spent almost 10 trillion all by his lonesome. Reagan never requested anything that wasn't dictated by the fact that to get a part of what you want, you have to make deals. Reagan's policies brought the end of the Soviet Union, because he realized that to oppose tyranny we had to be strong. Constitutionally speaking, Reagan was on the right side of history because the only thing mandated is the defense of this country. Democrat policies always entail more spending to undo their social engineering bullshit.
There have been 4 elected republican presidents during my lifetime and only one was a conservative. I'll be damned if I will stand by and watch liberals like you twist his legacy into something that it was not. Did he make his share of mistakes? A few, but still he was the greatest president of my lifetime and top 5 of all presidents.
"Reaganomics" have been U.S. fiscal policy since 1980. I'm not blaming Reagan personally for the current National Debt, rather the influence of the economic policies he championed as still reflected in the tax code and that is undeniable. Couple that with ill-advised trade agreements, shipping jobs overseas, and putting profit first what you end up with is our current economy. We just recently had a similar discussion and regardless of how many times you try to revise history the facts will linger, Reaganomics is a failure and Reagan was no conservative.
I think history has been and will be kind to Reaganomics especially when the final tally and bill is presented for Obamanomics. What Reagan espoused was conservatism, what he was able to implement due to obstructionist democrats was a watered down version. But I'll play along. There are a couple of conservatives running now. Let's give them a shot since you know, it has never been tried.
Roosevelt liberalism is the progenitor of failed liberal programs that have resulted in throwing good money after bad which is the real reason that government has grown like a cancer and why we are suffocating in debt.
The war on poverty and Great Society may as well be interchanged as euphemisms for abject failure.
This coming from someone that supports Obamacare wholeheartedly. .