I think my wife is ready

Actually, she sat for a few moments, then wiped it off, because the feeling of dripping was "odd"..But..she was concerned that i would take the quick wipe-off as a sign she didn't like it..That was wrong, she said..she loved it.
As for the dirtier and dirtier part...I am picking up some handcuffs later this week...Gonna play a "handyman-Bitchy housewife" fantasy game, which she thinks is "hot'

Hey everyone--
It's a Christmas Miracle!

Out of curiosity, have you ever unloaded on your wife's tits? Just wondering...
I think my wife is ready for a facial. shes pretty and kinky, but suffers from a self esteem problem.
I am afraid if I bring it up, she will either go for it:)...
or freak out.

Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

Surprise her!
Don't let her even suspect that it's coming.:eek::rolleyes::nanner:
I offer the following advice with no intent to insult:

stop asking complete strangers, grow a backbone and talk to her about it.
Ask her if she'd rather you cum on her face or let you fuck her in the ass. She'll pick the first one 9 times out of 10...it's a win/win either way. She's your wife for god's sake...tell her it's only you and let's get crazy.