Granted, I have no money (so it would never happen), buy hey, ideally I could do it. I'm going to figure out how to go about making this happen. I'm 25 now so it would be 10 years from now. Here are my presidential plans.
I'd drop my yearly salary down to $30,000 per year and give the remainder/difference to homeless people directly (as in in their hands, none of this charity stuff). I see a plethora of homeless people in my city everyday and giving them $5 when I see them doesn't really do shit. I also wouldn't charge anything for making an appearance. 5 figures for walking into a building? Bullshit.
I'd also not declare myself to a political party. Political parties fail. I don't represent a group, I represent me. I'd quadruple the pay of social workers, teachers, firefighters and aides that work with developmentally disabled individuals and destroy the pay for entertainers and sports athletes. I'd make prostitution legal, as well as marijuana (although I personally don't smoke it). I'd also make laws and changes that the people DIRECTLY asked for. Fuck these "state representatives", if it doesn't come straight out of the mouth of the people, it's not going to happen. I'd also make a statement during my campaign that if I fail to accomplish this stuff during my four years in office, I want some to literally, sniper or a regular Joe (doesn't matter), to put a bullet directly into my skull. That would show just how serious I was.
I'm a super introvert with no people skills, but despite this I want to do this in 10 years. Like I said though, I have no money and in reality, a campaign without money just ain't going to happen. Despite this, these words would literally be my campaign. Fuck getting rich, winning influentual companies over, and all of that shit. It's all about the people. No "posse" of people that follow me around, no 57 bodyguards, just me alone everywhere that I go. It would show that I'm no more important than anyone else. I'm human, put my pants on the same way that you do, and deserve no special treatment. Sure, with no bodyguards someone my try to kill me, but that's a chance I'd be willing to take. If my death can change the future of this world on a permanent basis, than so be it. Which actually brings another point. I'm a spokeperson, not a leader. No person should be in charge of another. What makes me better than someone where I can control them? Not a damn thing and I'd make sure everyone knows this. If some is protesting against me, I'd actually talk to them and answer all of their questions instead of smiling and moving on. In fact, I'd answer anyone's questions. No bullshit, just the honest to God's truth. No matter what.
Even so, with all of this said, could I get even 4 people to vote for me? Would everyone just laugh in my face?
I'd drop my yearly salary down to $30,000 per year and give the remainder/difference to homeless people directly (as in in their hands, none of this charity stuff). I see a plethora of homeless people in my city everyday and giving them $5 when I see them doesn't really do shit. I also wouldn't charge anything for making an appearance. 5 figures for walking into a building? Bullshit.
I'd also not declare myself to a political party. Political parties fail. I don't represent a group, I represent me. I'd quadruple the pay of social workers, teachers, firefighters and aides that work with developmentally disabled individuals and destroy the pay for entertainers and sports athletes. I'd make prostitution legal, as well as marijuana (although I personally don't smoke it). I'd also make laws and changes that the people DIRECTLY asked for. Fuck these "state representatives", if it doesn't come straight out of the mouth of the people, it's not going to happen. I'd also make a statement during my campaign that if I fail to accomplish this stuff during my four years in office, I want some to literally, sniper or a regular Joe (doesn't matter), to put a bullet directly into my skull. That would show just how serious I was.
I'm a super introvert with no people skills, but despite this I want to do this in 10 years. Like I said though, I have no money and in reality, a campaign without money just ain't going to happen. Despite this, these words would literally be my campaign. Fuck getting rich, winning influentual companies over, and all of that shit. It's all about the people. No "posse" of people that follow me around, no 57 bodyguards, just me alone everywhere that I go. It would show that I'm no more important than anyone else. I'm human, put my pants on the same way that you do, and deserve no special treatment. Sure, with no bodyguards someone my try to kill me, but that's a chance I'd be willing to take. If my death can change the future of this world on a permanent basis, than so be it. Which actually brings another point. I'm a spokeperson, not a leader. No person should be in charge of another. What makes me better than someone where I can control them? Not a damn thing and I'd make sure everyone knows this. If some is protesting against me, I'd actually talk to them and answer all of their questions instead of smiling and moving on. In fact, I'd answer anyone's questions. No bullshit, just the honest to God's truth. No matter what.
Even so, with all of this said, could I get even 4 people to vote for me? Would everyone just laugh in my face?