I should run for president when I'm 35

Granted, I have no money (so it would never happen), buy hey, ideally I could do it. I'm going to figure out how to go about making this happen. I'm 25 now so it would be 10 years from now. Here are my presidential plans.

I'd drop my yearly salary down to $30,000 per year and give the remainder/difference to homeless people directly (as in in their hands, none of this charity stuff). I see a plethora of homeless people in my city everyday and giving them $5 when I see them doesn't really do shit. I also wouldn't charge anything for making an appearance. 5 figures for walking into a building? Bullshit.

I'd also not declare myself to a political party. Political parties fail. I don't represent a group, I represent me. I'd quadruple the pay of social workers, teachers, firefighters and aides that work with developmentally disabled individuals and destroy the pay for entertainers and sports athletes. I'd make prostitution legal, as well as marijuana (although I personally don't smoke it). I'd also make laws and changes that the people DIRECTLY asked for. Fuck these "state representatives", if it doesn't come straight out of the mouth of the people, it's not going to happen. I'd also make a statement during my campaign that if I fail to accomplish this stuff during my four years in office, I want some to literally, sniper or a regular Joe (doesn't matter), to put a bullet directly into my skull. That would show just how serious I was.

I'm a super introvert with no people skills, but despite this I want to do this in 10 years. Like I said though, I have no money and in reality, a campaign without money just ain't going to happen. Despite this, these words would literally be my campaign. Fuck getting rich, winning influentual companies over, and all of that shit. It's all about the people. No "posse" of people that follow me around, no 57 bodyguards, just me alone everywhere that I go. It would show that I'm no more important than anyone else. I'm human, put my pants on the same way that you do, and deserve no special treatment. Sure, with no bodyguards someone my try to kill me, but that's a chance I'd be willing to take. If my death can change the future of this world on a permanent basis, than so be it. Which actually brings another point. I'm a spokeperson, not a leader. No person should be in charge of another. What makes me better than someone where I can control them? Not a damn thing and I'd make sure everyone knows this. If some is protesting against me, I'd actually talk to them and answer all of their questions instead of smiling and moving on. In fact, I'd answer anyone's questions. No bullshit, just the honest to God's truth. No matter what.

Even so, with all of this said, could I get even 4 people to vote for me? Would everyone just laugh in my face?
I've always said that people should be able to be elected as president, but not to run for it.

It should go go to the person who says "I'll accept this responsibiloity.." not "I want this power..." you can't trust that person. anyone who says that they should be the president most likely should not be.
I've always said that people should be able to be elected as president, but not to run for it.

It should go go to the person who says "I'll accept this responsibiloity.." not "I want this power..." you can't trust that person. anyone who says that they should be the president most likely should not be.

But that's just it. In theory, the president show be the least powerful man in the country, as he can only do what the people allow him to do.
well I agree with that. but I say let's just do what we want to anyway, and cut out the middle man.
Sure you could get probably four votes ,maybe more.There's yourself,your mother and father which is 3 you should be able to count on,i'm sure you could find one more.But wait now that I think of it ,you can't get a vote cause with the the way you are talking about being so different you won't even get on the ballot hardly in any state,s so no one will be able to vote for you ,not that they would have anyway cause they would have never heard of you.Gotta play the game by the rules as they are at the time.Which now means money and affiliations to get known and have your message heard.A system with many flaws especially the need for the big bucks to run but besides that I think works fairly well.It's as good as the people it represents for the most part.


I've always said that people should be able to be elected as president, but not to run for it.

It should go go to the person who says "I'll accept this responsibiloity.." not "I want this power..." you can't trust that person. anyone who says that they should be the president most likely should not be.

This is very REP-utable !:glugglug: but I can't !!!!! :)contacts petra: lol !)
You could take over the country, not the US try a smaller one with very little weapons and then you could, and with a terribe government that you think will be better with you as the leader. Then you could do what you like.

Although watch out for the US and UK if your country has oil you r going to get invaded but if you allow military bases in your country and you turn your subjects in to pro US supporters you will be fine even if you are commiting genocide.

Just a thought, i'll be UN ambassador if you want. :dunno:
I've always said that people should be able to be elected as president, but not to run for it.

It should go go to the person who says "I'll accept this responsibiloity.." not "I want this power..." you can't trust that person. anyone who says that they should be the president most likely should not be.

There are two types of presidents IMO.One's who wanted the position because that had things they wanted to do with it and chair warmers who really only wanted the title and stature of the being president.FDR,LBJ,even a Reagan are examples of the ones who wanted it to do something with it.Truman,IKE and the Bushes are really just chair warmers.No big changes or risks were what they were thinking when they came into office.And I think both candidates this time are more the chair warming types than big risk takers.

And I just have to add that I still don't get some of the thinking about politicians and politics.I can't think of any other endeavour or vocation the following would be said about, but they are said all the time in regards to politics.

1.Experience is bad.
2.Wanting the job is bad.

Personally unless you really feel like you could accomplish big things and get a great sense of self satifaction by doing that I don't see why anybody would want to be president.It don't really pay much compared to like the buisness world these guys could be in.It ages the heck out of just about everybody who takes it.And your life and everything else is now an open book,like it really mattered what you did 20 years ago or who you have sex with or any of that type nonsense noise we hear so much, as to how you would govern and the policys you would pursue.
Better off being one of the money guys pulling the strings,less stress better pay.


I see a plethora of homeless people in my city everyday and giving them $5 when I see them doesn't really do shit.

Most of these "homeless people" are on the street because they choose to be in on the bottle as it's passed around every afternoon and night.
Many of these jerks have become downright arrogant in that if you see them with any regularity they keep uppin the ante . . "c'mon man ! only 2 fukin bucks today ? " Gimme $5 bro !:pukey: :thefinger

As for how we select our candidates today
The whole damned thing has become a visual :rolleyes:

Elect the taller, younger guy with most hair. i.e. - "media darling" "cult of personality"
Most of these "homeless people" are on the street because they choose to be in on the bottle as it's passed around every afternoon and night.
Many of these jerks have become downright arrogant in that if you see them with any regularity they keep uppin the ante . . "c'mon man ! only 2 fukin bucks today ? " Gimme $5 bro !:pukey: :thefinger

As for how we select our candidates today
The whole damned thing has become a visual :rolleyes:

Elect the taller, younger guy with most hair. i.e. - "media darling" "cult of personality"

Don't believe the stereotype. Most homeless people are not homeless because of alcoholism. The ones that do drink, well, you didn't have a place to live, wouldn't you want to alter your state of mind? You need a job to have a home. You need an address to have a job. It's a catch 22.


what the fuck you lookin at?
eh, you can't fuck up as bad as bush so why not!?
I would probably vote for McCain before I would vote for you, though I know you have good intentions. You seem to think that this "presidency" idea will give you free reign to do whatever the hell you want. The president has to face many checks and balances and isn't some type of super-dictator who gets everything he commands.

In the third paragraph alone, you're talking about changing the very laws of economics and abolishing Congress! The first, NO person could ever do, and the second would essentially make you a dictator if you could rape the constitution enough to get it done.
Don't you have to file petitions with thousands of signatures to run for President? I think it varies from state to state, but the general idea is to avoid wasting the time of each state's electoral commission or secretary of state with hundreds of quacks running for office. Good luck with that given your admitted lack of social skills.
I'd also make laws and changes that the people DIRECTLY asked for. Fuck these "state representatives", if it doesn't come straight out of the mouth of the people, it's not going to happen.

I think your heart is in the right place but your head is not.
Like others have pointed out, the aspirations you describe mean that you would be a dictator. You should know that the President doesn't make laws - Congress does. The president does not declare war - Congress does. There is a very good reason for this.

You are not the only one that doesn't seem to understand this. Iraq is not Bush's war, it is our war declared by our elected officials. People make much of Bush's low approval ratings (currently their lowest at 30% - Gallup) failing to mention or realize that Congress' approval ratings have always been lower than Bush (currently 14% - Gallup).

No one person is tasked with making these things happen by themselves. It takes checks and balances, cooperation and compromise. Which would mean that as President you would certainly fail in at least some of your goals and end up with a bullet in your head (per your request).

If some is protesting against me, I'd actually talk to them and answer all of their questions instead of smiling and moving on. In fact, I'd answer anyone's questions. No bullshit, just the honest to God's truth. No matter what.

No one President can sit down with each person (300 million) and exhaustively discuss every one of their questions. We can't have a direct vote on every single issue or budget proposal. It's simply not feasible or realistic. This is one of the reasons we have a Constitutional Republic rather than a Direct Democracy.

You can still work toward your goals, just do it in a more realistic way. Start smaller and you will be much more effective overall.

If you are still set on becoming a dictator, you should also start small like BlueBalls says. Start amassing your weapons now and expect even more rape, pillage, homelessness, and economic instability. Except in that case it will be all your fault rather than a distributed burden among elected representatives.

Psychology plans world domination .... exxxcellent (tented fingers) ;)