Haha I was just trying to go by actual recorded facts.. Not any kind of news program like my Professor made us do for our paper. All news programs no matter who they are lean one way or the other. Only the actual records speak the truth..... theres alot of pointing fingers and screaming going on which I dont understand.
You have two totally different approaches to government with each party but both have flaws due to the fact that neither can tell the truth, they only tell ya what they want you to hear.
From what we have found politics is no longer about representing the people its about whats in it for me!!
there are strong arguments from both side and believe it or not in most cases both sides are right!! to a point!! lol if only you could merge them we would all live better, But for some reason when people start talking politics they stop talking and begin yelling!!
Either way I love you all and we are all allowed to have our own ideas...