I Remember; Don't Vote Republican


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Seriously? You think Trident is a centrist?

Of course not....he does. It was a facetious (oops!) comment based on a statement he made in some thread a few weeks ago. Can't find it now but ask him yourself....he has to admit making that claim because he did. I have witnesses. LOL....:1orglaugh
Oh, I remember. I remember having that abomination called Health Care "Reform" getting rammed down our throats for those of us who didn't want anything to do with it, who's the teabaggers now? I do remember too when Bush was reelected and wanted to reform (or as some libs would call it, "reform") Social Security and he met a lot of opposition and, even though he had both chambers of congress, he backed out because, even if it was the right thing to do, the people were against it. He did not ram it down our throats. I remember cap and tax, do not want anything to do with it, but I'm positive that libs will again teabag us with that too. And I remember this quote:

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody"
(It's not)

So, again, I'd like to vote Democrat, but the democrat party is no longer the party of JFK, and the reason we on the right look as extremists is that you on the left have gone so far left that it's hard to see us over here at right-of-center where we're pretty comfortable without going into an extreme right position which would be anarchy. We on the "right" do believe goverment has a role but a limited one and being a charity should not be a role of the government. If you all kind hearted liberals want to give your hard earned money to the poor (that is if you do know what the term hard earned means) then more power to you, nobody will stop you. But some of us who are just keeping our heads above poverty or struggling to get out would do a lot better if you all just stay out of our way and keep your damned dirty paws out of our wallets!!
Of course not....he does. It was a facetious (oops!) comment based on a statement he made in some thread a few weeks ago. Can't find it now but ask him yourself....he has to admit making that claim because he did. I have witnesses. LOL....:1orglaugh

Silly me. Sorry, I missed your subtlety. I'm too base for you.
Haha I was just trying to go by actual recorded facts.. Not any kind of news program like my Professor made us do for our paper. All news programs no matter who they are lean one way or the other. Only the actual records speak the truth..... theres alot of pointing fingers and screaming going on which I dont understand.

You have two totally different approaches to government with each party but both have flaws due to the fact that neither can tell the truth, they only tell ya what they want you to hear.

From what we have found politics is no longer about representing the people its about whats in it for me!!

there are strong arguments from both side and believe it or not in most cases both sides are right!! to a point!! lol if only you could merge them we would all live better, But for some reason when people start talking politics they stop talking and begin yelling!!

Either way I love you all and we are all allowed to have our own ideas...:)

If only more people thought this way.......


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
But some of us who are just keeping our heads above poverty or struggling to get out would do a lot better if you all just stay out of our way and keep your damned dirty paws out of our wallets!!

Where were you when Bush was raping the treasury?


I do remember too when Bush was reelected and wanted to reform (or as some libs would call it, "reform") Social Security and he met a lot of opposition and, even though he had both chambers of congress, he backed out because, even if it was the right thing to do, the people were against it.
People were against the war in Iraq, that didn't stop good ol' Bushy, did it?
Oh, so you are admitting that there should be some "douchecrats" in Congress? Well, I would expect nothing less from a centrist like you, Trident. :1orglaugh

Side note....I think you are going to get your wish. People are pissed and don't know where to turn so they turn to the only option they have. Sad....:(

So a centrist can't say "Douchecrats"? Suppose I say Repugnicans, you'd agree I was Centrist. But heaven forbid I say Douchecrat and everyone gets their panties in a bunch.:clap:


Hiliary 2020
what kind of pussy shit is this?
first of all both democrats and republicans are responsible for all that stuff.
second, whats wrong with the dems? why cant they talk about all the good theyve done besides all the bad the republicans have?

because theyve done no good.
they have nothing to brag about.

wake up already, lose the hooray for our team mentality.
So a centrist can't say "Douchecrats"? Suppose I say Repugnicans, you'd agree I was Centrist. But heaven forbid I say Douchecrat and everyone gets their panties in a bunch.:clap:

You've read the manual, its either you are for democrats, or you are stupid.
I mean, god forbid you don't care for either party, you must be an ignorant sob if you don't like democrats.

Fuck both the democrats and republicans, neither listen to us. Time for change, vote everyone out.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
So a centrist can't say "Douchecrats"? Suppose I say Repugnicans, you'd agree I was Centrist. But heaven forbid I say Douchecrat and everyone gets their panties in a bunch.:clap:

Oh that is rich, dude! :1orglaugh When have you ever used the term "repugnicans" before this? Weak....extremely weak. Frankly, I don't condone name-calling of either party in that manner. It's undignified and immature.

Go ahead and admit it. It's OK. You are a right-winger. No shame in that. I just don't like people pretending to be something they aren't. I'd have a lot more respect for you if you would just be like Facetious, MP, Nester, Cunning Stunts, Scott, AR, PlumpRump (sorry if I forgot any of my other ultra-conservative buddies here....I'm sure there are more!)....they have no hesitation. Why do you? :dunno:


what kind of pussy shit is this?
first of all both democrats and republicans are responsible for all that stuff.
second, whats wrong with the dems? why cant they talk about all the good theyve done besides all the bad the republicans have?

because theyve done no good.
they have nothing to brag about.

wake up already, lose the hooray for our team mentality.

Name one good thing Republicans did for 8 years.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You know what's awesome. In Canada, our elections take roughly one day.
Man, that video was spooky yet cool. Nice to see people are still pouring their heart and soul into something.:dunno: I don't vote at all. I'll throw my support behind the first tyrannical dictator this country puts in power. Tyranny, strife, and fear are usually the best way to un-fuck something in a hurry provided that the right tyrant is in charge. After he or she has served his purpose, then we can kill him off.:elaugh:

Note: I am really just talking out of the side of my ass. Pay me no mind as I am drunk as hell about now.
Side note....I think you are going to get your wish. People are pissed and don't know where to turn so they turn to the only option they have. Sad....:(

Actually, there are a few other options. Many people won't vote because they see no point in it. Another choice is always getting together and overthrowing the government, like our forefathers said we could (or should) if things get out of hand. Something like that probably won't happen until another hundred years (or more) when things get REALLY out of control because our society has become so fascinated with picking a side and sticking with it believing their side can do no wrong. Also, Americans today would see something as overthrowing the government and starting over as an inconvenience. We've got to worry about important things like a new plasma tv, taking little Bobby and Jennifer to soccer and cheerleading practice, and that yacht cruise in the summer. A rebellion?!?!....fuck that, that's too much trouble. Just vote for one of the loser parties and lets continue the process till we're all fucked. It will probably take starvation (another real depression) before things change around here.
Oh that is rich, dude! :1orglaugh When have you ever used the term "repugnicans" before this? Weak....extremely weak. Frankly, I don't condone name-calling of either party in that manner. It's undignified and immature.

Go ahead and admit it. It's OK. You are a right-winger. No shame in that. I just don't like people pretending to be something they aren't. I'd have a lot more respect for you if you would just be like Facetious, MP, Nester, Cunning Stunts, Scott, AR, PlumpRump (sorry if I forgot any of my other ultra-conservative buddies here....I'm sure there are more!)....they have no hesitation. Why do you? :dunno:

You seem to lump anyone unlike youself in the "far right ultra conservative" camp. Do you have any other grade such as slightly right of center, moderate right etc etc?
Calling either party names is......American. Politics in this country has always involved name calling and mud slinging. To say that it's "immature and undignified" is your opinion and you have a right to call it that.
I have a right to call it American. :hatsoff:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No I don't. Just ones who consistently display those tendencies. If and when you ever take a stance that indicates otherwise, I'll reconsider my opinion. I'm not denigrating your views, Trident....only your assertion that they are centrist. And I do defend your right to think that way for sure....that truly is American indeed. Remember to vote today! :glugglug:
You seem to lump anyone unlike youself in the "far right ultra conservative" camp. Do you have any other grade such as slightly right of center, moderate right etc etc?
Calling either party names is......American. Politics in this country has always involved name calling and mud slinging. To say that it's "immature and undignified" is your opinion and you have a right to call it that.
I have a right to call it American. :hatsoff:

I'm sorry but when you use words like Douchcrats etc you only make your position seem juvenile and trivial.I personally never refer to the republicans as anything but maybe pubs for short and I btw use dems for democrates for short as well.

I have nothing against the word republican.It's on the serious substantive issues I disagree with them on.Maybe someday they will move away from being captives of the religious right and wealthy/corporate interests and purge themselves of the pandering to bigotry and screw the little guy they do.If that ever happens I would be glad to say I am voting republican.