I hate my boss

My boss is a big, grown man and has a tough looking, grizzled beard. Sooooooo, I don't have "these" problems.

LOL!!! Me too. Except that my boss is a dyke. But she is the coolest boss I ever had.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Get her drunk at the works-do and shag her senseless.She might just
give you a rise if you play your cards right ;)

Don't satisfy her, however, and you'll be working non-paid overtime on Saturday.
Well, that one unfortunately is a tuff situation. If you are interested find out how her relationship is going. She may be so pissy b/c her relationship sucks and you may have a shot. Be warned though; play your cards wrong and you could end up with the hostile work environment.
That's real talk there. I have a hot female boss that i threw a bone at once. She didn't take the bait at first so I ignored her. About three weeks later she was getting jealous of all the attention I'd give and get from other women when we'd go out to lunch/dinner/out of town. I told her that she was a chick magnet for me and that I have a large selection of women to choose from because of her. That peaked her interest so much that she began to ask questions about my sex life. So now I throw "meaty" bones at her like how long sex lasts and what I like to do to women in bed. Her man wasn't "performing" like she wanted so it pisses her off. It's funny as hell now cause I try to keep it professional but she wants it to go further.
For as hard as it sounds you must ignore her flirtations and act in a professional,non caring manner or you will dig your own grave. I once had a similar situation and I learned to look and think all you want, but never let on that it matters.
That's real talk there. I have a hot female boss that i threw a bone at once. She didn't take the bait at first so I ignored her. About three weeks later she was getting jealous of all the attention I'd give and get from other women when we'd go out to lunch/dinner/out of town. I told her that she was a chick magnet for me and that I have a large selection of women to choose from because of her. That peaked her interest so much that she began to ask questions about my sex life. So now I throw "meaty" bones at her like how long sex lasts and what I like to do to women in bed. Her man wasn't "performing" like she wanted so it pisses her off. It's funny as hell now cause I try to keep it professional but she wants it to go further.

Pick at the sore why don't you. She's always talking about her boyfriend and how great he is and the many adventures that they go on together. Besides, she hates me. Whatever though, I'm just working hear until the fire academy training starts.
Pick at the sore why don't you. She's always talking about her boyfriend and how great he is and the many adventures that they go on together. Besides, she hates me. Whatever though, I'm just working hear until the fire academy training starts.
Not trying to upset you bro. Just saying come from a different angle. Women HATE to be ignored... so it worked for me. If you want to bone her find the right buttons to push. But if you "hate" each other what difference does it make? Do you work around other women? If so, show them "special" attention and see what happens.