I Hate Commercials (and their producers)


Although I was originally going to post this in the "Annoyances" thread, I reconsidered -

Since the "less - men" femmes have virtually overwhelmed media advertisement production, the idea that the man of the household is some dorky, feckless, incompetent dork . . . and the woman has got it all together has become paramount.
Particularly, I find this the case on radio commercials.

-i.e.- Commercial Example - One Example - Want to see more examples ?

The dad asks his wife where his keys are -
she responds "in your pocket" his response "oh yeah". . . . Then the "dork" goes to his flippin wife to ask her why a teenage boy, on a motorcycle, is in their driveway (to see their daughter) - her response "oh no".

Do you not see the subtle message(s) these cast upon our society ?
It's just yet another subtle - incremental slash . . . . 1 of 1,000. (If You Know The Death By a Thousand Slashes story)

Said example is a derivative of the Fabian Socialist - Communist variant, IMO, just out to further erode / degrade America. Infiltrating Subversives !!!
And like satan, they'll vehemently deny their devices exist.

On the positive side - We learn about "the useful idiots" -
The Bolsheviks quickly slaughtered those who'd assisted them to power.

Watch and listen carefully . . . Take Out the Dad . . . Take Out The Nation !

Be well ~
Interesting philosophy you have yourself there. I have a simpler one:

People want funny adverts, and people like seeing other people be stupid, but society tells us making fun of dorky wife is sexist, so they turn to the husband.
That seems pretty accurate, although a societal censure against making fun of dorky wives would seem to lend creedence to the initial point in facetious' post.

On the other hand, the screwup-husband/long-suffering-but-patient-and-loving wife scenario is hardly something new. Via television alone it's been a staple ever since the 1950s.


Hiliary 2020
All part of the de-masculinazation of the American male. When will the tides change? Someday I suppose....
One note, Colombia has no commercials at all, and plays the same shows as in the U.S....You see the whole show straight through with coming attractions at the end of the program. I guess the programs make all the dough from the consumers in the States.
Commercials and other forms of advertisement are something I think is a necessary evil, I wouldn't like paying for free television or more for the Internet, but also at the same time I think it has been pushed too far a long time ago already. It's too far when marketers start forcing themselves into every aspect of life, and cheapening things for the sake of a little extra profit.
Although I was originally going to post this in the "Annoyances" thread, I reconsidered -

Since the "less - men" femmes have virtually overwhelmed media advertisement production, the idea that the man of the household is some dorky, feckless, incompetent dork . . . and the woman has got it all together has become paramount.
Particularly, I find this the case on radio commercials.

-i.e.- Commercial Example - One Example - Want to see more examples ?

The dad asks his wife where his keys are -
she responds "in your pocket" his response "oh yeah". . . . Then the "dork" goes to his flippin wife to ask her why a teenage boy, on a motorcycle, is in their driveway (to see their daughter) - her response "oh no".

Do you not see the subtle message(s) these cast upon our society ?
It's just yet another subtle - incremental slash . . . . 1 of 1,000. (If You Know The Death By a Thousand Slashes story)

Said example is a derivative of the Fabian Socialist - Communist variant, IMO, just out to further erode / degrade America. Infiltrating Subversives !!!
And like satan, they'll vehemently deny their devices exist.

On the positive side - We learn about "the useful idiots" -
The Bolsheviks quickly slaughtered those who'd assisted them to power.

Watch and listen carefully . . . Take Out the Dad . . . Take Out The Nation !

Be well ~

Your point is well thought out, but I think you're overreacting a little. I tend to agree more with the second poster.
I also agree with what D-Rock said about commercials being a necessary evil. Certain ones though, I wonder if they are worth the money the companies pay for them. I know some of it is subliminal, but I rarely am influenced by a commercial to switch brands or make a special unplanned purchase. I think, in a way, commercials are written to appeal to weak-minded suceptible people.
slightly off topic... but i just love those Coors Light football commercials :D
Progressive (Flo should die)
Apple (Justin Long needs to be shot)

Thank you

Those Apple commercials are getting real old. You have a better product why? ohh because no one cares about making a virus for Apples... Good for you! People care soo little about your product they don't waste their time trying to destroy it. :crash:


Progressive (Flo should die)
Apple (Justin Long needs to be shot)

I wonder what she looks like w/ out makeup :p

Oh yeah there's another radio commercial, it's a govt / public service message often heard on the radio and here's how it goes. I'll paraphrase - narrate this the best I can recall:

So the cast is this chick and her dorky sounding boyfriend who is shouting out for the g/f to come to his rescue to tie his shoe laces (because he mysteriously grew lobster claws as he was shooting bottle rockets at paddle boats of all things he confesses !! - more on that in a bit) Anyway, little does he know, she's right behind him, or it at least it sounds that way because she responds in a very sexy - calmly voice :"I'm right here", she continues: "I don't think that his relationship is gonna work out, what were you doing just before you grew "lobster boy claws?" he explains the whole bottle rockets incident and she says: "Right ! Why don't you do something useful for the community like volunteer in the neighborhood, that way you will have good karma". The dork reluctantly follows up with: "OOh - Kayyyyy.... Hug ?"
She : NO !. The end, followed up by the typical Ad Council blah blah blah this has been a public service announcement .....:rolleyes:

Americorp ! .... "civilian natiolnale security force", he's YOUR kind of guy. :1orglaugh:rofl:

And there you have it, the subliminal "effeminization" / dumbing down of the American male, thank you very much. :hatsoff:

:flame: :rolleyes:

Nice Bump BTW :D