I guess I owe you all some new pics huh?

i agree with the guys avive i think your very beautiful and what a rack and ass but im just happy to hear your doing well hun

see what your pics made me do Nikki i cant spell after seeing them
I adore you :shy:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Marry me? :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm good, how are you doing?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm doing well, and I hope you are as well. You're certainly missed around here. :( How's The Ville? They should be gearing up for the Derby pretty soon. That's a party...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I am doing well, still plotting world domination with my terrorist organization named "Cobra" Other than that I am still having trouble putting together my Ikea couch, need to loose some weight for bikini season, you know that old chestnut. So how are you? By the way you look like a Nikki Valentine, don't ask me why, and don't mind me. I am tripping on shrooms right now.
Nice ass. You can moderatize me anytime you want, sexy. :D

Why did you choose the name Nikki Valentine? Is your real first name Nikki, or did you just try to come up with some random sounding porn name? I thought you were some kind of new OCSM when I first read this thread.
You post a photo of your tuckus and expect people to go beyond that!? lol



Hiya Nikki. Glad to see you are looking fine as ever...hope you are doing as good as you look.;) I might see ya in about two weeks if my plans to go west aren't cancelled. I'll let ya know. *hugs* Laters.