Hypothetical question

How you react if you see that the porn star adult age child is being bullied? :dunno:

Does the bullied person have a YouTube channel where they eat food that I can watch? When you become my age food is porn.
I speak Finnish via google translate so here's what he was saying:

how would you react if the adult child of a pornstar was being bullied because their parent was a pornstar?

I say Lutefisk and deal with it.

Except that's Norwegian? Same difference.


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Bronze Member
I just read "porn" and could nopt concentrate anymore on other issues.
Does the bullied person have a YouTube channel where they eat food that I can watch? When you become my age food is porn.

I do not know about that incident but I have heard that the pornstar Henry Saari daughter has been bullied because her father is a "assmunch".


(Henry "Assmunch" Saari with his daughter)

I speak Finnish via google translate so here's what he was saying:

how would you react if the adult child of a pornstar was being bullied because their parent was a pornstar?


Thank you, that is what I was trying to say!