Hurricane Frances, latest satellite updates (PIX)

I live in the state above Florida where it is heading and people are evacuating here like crazy. People are traveling for hours just to get away from the state of Florida. This hurricane is so massive!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to the people that are from there!
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Angelbaby said:
I live in the state above Florida where it is heading and people are evacuating here like crazy. People are traveling for hours just to get away from the state of Florida. This hurricane is so massive!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to the people that are from there!

Good luck to you, Angelbaby!!


my friend angeles in florida never recovered from the last one that hit - still hadnt had her house repaired and now nothing is left at all

you can bitch about the weather in england all you want but your house is always there in the morning!
Well, my power just came back on. 36 hours with no power. I'm an air conditioned kind of guy and man was last night uncomfortable. Time to throw out the refridgerator food.