Hung (Tv Show)

What's everyone's thoughts on this show? I'm a fan of it, mainly because the plot of each episode is suprisingly very good.
The jury is still out with me, but I am 2 eposides behind. I am just getting into any the characters so far, they seem quite dry and uninteresting so far. But I always give HBO shows a chance

for those who dont know about the show...
It's worth watching so far. Not one of my favorite shows or a must-see, but certainly better than a lot of the crap on TV these days.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Hung, you say? Is it a documentary about me? :ban:
It's more like a show for chicks.

I thought it was going to be hardcore about a dude and his crazy escapades going around being a male escort. They got him running around being sensitive and getting in touch with his emotions.

My wife likes the show.