I'll go with the Hulkster on this one.
Growing up as a kid in the 1980's, Hulk Hogan seemed to be EVERYONE's favourite wrestler at the time. And for good reason! Hogan was simply the ultimate face the industry had ever seen at that time. And was essentially wrestling's version of Superman. Whenever Hogan got the shit kicked out of him, I remember quite vividly these quick shots of the audience where kids and women would literally be crying at the sight of Hogan defeated. I mean, it actually looked like you just told these people that a close family member had just passed away. That's how much he meant to the fans back in his heyday.
Macho Man was no doubt a superior wrestler, and great on the mic as well. But I never really took to him as a kid as much as I did Hogan. Same goes for Ultimate Warrior. The whole idea of a wrestler with a psychotic edge just seemed essentially inferior to Hogan's Superman boyscout, hulking up at the near moment of defeat, and damn near unbeatable persona.
During the early 1990's, I lost alot of interest in wrestling. And this was at a time where WWF and WCW were throwing out alot of shit that really seemed, no WAS, fucking lame and obviously child driven to the point where everyone seemed like a damn cartoon character.
But I began watching again in 1996.
Hogan's heel turn, and the nWo.