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Hugo Chavez Dead: Venezuela's President Dies At 58

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies aged 58





Closed Account
Re: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies aged 58

He will be missed but Chavez will live forever in history. Rest in peace to the man, the leader Hugo Chavez.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies aged 58

Hugo will join Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and bin Laden in the ultimate boy band, "Satan's Jizz."

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
No more fat boy in big red shirt. Him and Bonnie Franklin in the same week. Who's next since we all know these things come in threes?

We hardly knew 'ya, Hugo.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies aged 58


Condolences to Barack Obama on the death of his friend and mentor, Hugo Chavez…


Hiliary 2020
I know the Colombian's ain't cryin about it.
hey remember when he gave obama a book about how evil the USA is?
Obama liked it.

he gives him a book about how evil America is, and these clowns are acting happy about it.
Teddy Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson would have beat him to death with it, this guy laughs and accepts it.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Not afraid, dumbass. Just annoyed. (With the exception of the Missle Crisis.)
At first I was ilike "Good news !"
But then I thought the people from Venezuela, those who voted again and again for Chavez will have to elect a new president. Nothing guarantees that they won't elect someone even, worst than Chavez...
chavez wasn't a bad guy, i still believe deep inside he's a good guy, just like in the movie the dictator, you know...


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
Some of you, who posted here, do not know anything about the world outside your own country,
possibly not even the world outside your home.
And you have no idea of the worries that bother other people,
other people than you.

RIP Hugo Chavez, very controversial person of contemporary history, but also one on who many set their hope.
Unlike most of the latin american presidents USA has supported Chavez was actually elected and reelected by the people.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The most useful of idiots
Castro propagandist Oliver Stone, the director of “Alexander,” “U Turn” and the crappy “Wall Street” sequel, on Wednesday praised the late Hugo Chavez ” as a “great hero to the majority of his people and those who struggle throughout the world for a place.”

Sean Penn, star of “We’re No Angels,” “I Am Sam” and the dreadful remake of “All the King’s Men,” referred to Chavez as a “champion” to the world’s poor, adding “the people of United States lost a friend it never knew it had. I lost a friend I was blessed to have.”

Here’s how Human Rights Watch eulogized the Venezuelan dictator:

Hugo Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.

After enacting a new constitution with ample human rights protections in 1999 – and surviving a short-lived coup d’état in 2002 – Chávez and his followers moved to concentrate power. They seized control of the Supreme Court and undercut the ability of journalists, human rights defenders, and other Venezuelans to exercise fundamental rights.

By his second full term in office, the concentration of power and erosion of human rights protections had given the government free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who criticized the president or thwarted his political agenda. In recent years, the president and his followers used these powers in a wide range of prominent cases, whose damaging impact was felt by entire sectors of Venezuelan society. …

Chávez also rejected international efforts to promote human rights in other countries. In recent years, Venezuela consistently voted against UN General Assembly resolutions condemning abusive practices in North Korea, Burma, Iran, and Syria. Moreover, Chávez was a vocal supporter of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, bestowing upon each of these leaders the “Order of the Liberator,” Venezuela’s highest official honor.



The Venezuelan president himself, before he died on Tuesday, wondered aloud whether the U.S. government -- or the banksters who own it -- gave him, and its other leading Latin American enemies, cancer.

A little over a year ago, Chavez went on Venezuelan national radio and said: “I don’t know but… it is very odd that we have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate, me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina… It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin America. It’s at the very least strange, very strange.”


That's some Pulitzer-worthy journalism coming out of Tehran, of all places.

Of all the slobbering obituaries, however, the one by liberal columnist Greg Grandin over at The Nation might be the worst. He argues that Chavez’s main problem was that he wasn’t authoritarian enough.

from The Nation:

Chávez was a strongman. He packed the courts, hounded the corporate media, legislated by decree and pretty much did away with any effective system of institutional checks or balances. But I’ll be perverse and argue that the biggest problem Venezuela faced during his rule was not that Chávez was authoritarian but that he wasn’t authoritarian enough. It wasn’t too much control that was the problem but too little.


From a disillusioned Venezuelan:
Rest in peace, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías. As a Venezuelan, I didn't agree with most of your policies and politics, but I do not rejoice in your death and I do respect the pain of your family and supporters.
In 1998, when you campaigned for the presidency -and promised to end corruption- despite my disappointment with the traditional parties, I did not support you because you had led a coup against president Carlos Andres Pérez. I didn't like Pérez, but he was elected by our people and attempting to overthrow him was proof that you did not respect the will of Venezuelans.


Accomplishments of Hugo Chavez

- Altering the constitution to ensure continuity of his regime

- Creating the world’s fastest growing debt

- Overseeing the biggest drop in his nation’s productive capacity

- Seeing his capital city (Caracas) become so overwhelmed with urban violence that it’s now one of the deadliest cities in the world.

- Becoming the number 1 supplier of drugs to Europe

- Appointing two cartel kingpins as the new Head of Intelligence and Minister of Defense

- Fostering the highest crime rate in the world. Even the streets of Kabul and Baghdad have fewer kidnappings and murders. (to be fair, I think Juarez, Mexico surpassed his legacy this year)

- Destroying freedom of the press, and censoring news outlets from reporting non-approved stories


Hugo Chavez is dead — but he is no hero. Even as his supporters pour into the streets to mourn their fallen idol, the damage he caused to Venezuela is incalculable.

From an over-dependence on oil revenues, to a forcednationalization of the private economy, and a personal foreign policy of ego gratification, Chavez leaves a Venezuela in chaos, with weak institutions and anuncertain future.

History will not be kind to him. His petro-socialism was never a self-sustaining economic or social development model. Venezuela under Chavez’s reign has deteriorated to the point where it must import milk. Chavez’s Venezuela can no longer feed itself.

Hugo Chavez lied to the people, convincing many that his magical powers would save them from misery. There was no magic solution to resolve Venezuela’s myriad social problems.

Even as he jetted across the globe with allies like Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Chavez tolerated waves of urban violence — turning Caracas into one of the most violent cities in the world.

Among his other international adventures, Chavez supported the FARC terrorists fighting the democratically elected government of Colombia (a country also founded by Bolivar!). His attempt to play the regional leader met with widespread ridicule — even generating the now famous royal command to “shut up” from King Juan Carlos, a normally very calm man driven to desperation by Chavez’s offish behavior at a summit. Being dressed down in public by the King of Spain is an unmatched achievement in the annals of modern Ibero-American relations.

Public corruption, including the enrichment of the Chavez family, has also damaged Venezuela. Like the wounds created by the Peron regime in Argentina, the social fabric has been torn. Divide and conquer of different social sectors has been Chavez’s formula for continuing as paramount leader of Venezuela.

While another key component of this formula has been the militarization of the regime, and in turn, thepoliticization of the armed forces. Bribed with outlandish weapons purchases and generous patronage, Chavez remade the Venezuelan military into a tool of his rule.

Chavez will go the way of many highly theatrical dictators. Once upon a time there was a statue of Francisco Franco in almost every city and town in Spain, his profile appeared on Spanish coins, and he paraded himself from the King’s Balcony at Madrid’s Royal Palace, resplendent banners dating from the Spanish Empire draped in front of him.

Now? Franco is seen for what he truly was — a dictator with a megalomaniacal self-regard and a willingness to commit violence in order to stay in power. Today, no more statues, no more coins, nada. That is the fate of Hugo Chavez’s place in history as well.


From Amnesty International:

Human rights defenders were threatened and politically motivated charges continued to be used against government critics. Accountability mechanisms to ensure justice or to act as an effective deterrent against police abuses remained weak. There were serious episodes of violence in the grossly overcrowded prison system leading to a number of deaths.

“At this key juncture, I hope the people of Venezuela can now build for themselves a better, brighter future based on the principles of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights.”

-Canadian Prime Minister Harper on the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

You know things are fucked up when the head snowback talks shit about your legacy.

An 8th Grader Reacts to the Death of Hugo Chavez


Hugo Chavez Was an Evil Thug Who Hurt the Poor, and Everyone Else

Most champions of poor people need not arrest political dissidents, create an unaccountable prison system, and otherwise scoff at limits on power.