Huge Boobs Galore Gal

I think you're using this thread as an excuse ...

I was already three times sure I had found her:
Maggie Green has almost the same tits and green eyes, but a somewhat different face. And besides this would mean that we found a "hardcore" set from her. This doesn't mean much - Anya Sakova used dildos too before she got to Pinupglam.
Cassandra had more of this Slavic face, but the spots on her tits differed.
Katerina Hartlova had this one one spot between the breasts, but was missing the two above the breast. We always saw her smiling in her series, so I thought it was possible that it's her in this case - not smiling and with a completely different make-up. But her nose was different too.
Or am I mistaken and have found her? Your opinions please... You know I'm bad at recognising faces. :)
I think you're using this thread as an excuse to rattle off some unbelievably hot women. I love it! You keep naming some of my favorites.
Re: I think you're using this thread as an excuse ...

I think you're using this thread as an excuse to rattle off some unbelievably hot women. I love it! You keep naming some of my favorites.

Hey Professor! Don't reveal everything!!! :) But seriously: It took me two hours yesterday to prove that they're not the one we are looking for. Sometimes an outfit and a make-up change everything...

I still believe that I saw her and that the answer is lying plain before our face. Although I have to admit that it might be Dixie Bubbles whose smile often makes me believe that I know our lady.

I've tried so many searches and browsed through so many sites now, but this one is really hard. I wonder if we'll find her some day...


She reminds me a little of both Terry Nova and Adrianna Molkova in facial features...but we know it's neither of them. Perhaps it's just the Eastern European background???

We will find her one day......even by accident!
Dear Diary.

Today I thought the gallery in Seamus' request could be from So I typed "" in my beloved asktiava and browsed through all search results. Our gallery did not come up. But I learned something: Either asktiava's database is limited to 100 result pages or there are really exactly 100 x 10 = 1,000 galleries out there on the web.

Anyway, I think Seamus is evil. He makes me do weird things and lets me see red and black PVC outfits where there are none. Wherever this may lead...


Dear Diary.

Today I thought the gallery in Seamus' request could be from So I typed "" in my beloved asktiava and browsed through all search results. Our gallery did not come up. But I learned something: Either asktiava's database is limited to 100 result pages or there are really exactly 100 x 10 = 1,000 galleries out there on the web.

Anyway, I think Seamus is evil. He makes me do weird things and lets me see red and black PVC outfits where there are none. Wherever this may lead...



Ok guys...

Please prove that it's NOT Goldie Star!

Compare her nose and the overall appearance with these galleries:

I'm quite sure it's her. It's been a funny way how I found her... I'll tell you later if it's really her.


No way is it Goldie Star! forget the nose, boobs, legs's the Eyes, it's the Eyes!!!!

Hm... Please compare pic #9 of your gallery and the first pic of my second gallery. Apart from the fact that her pupils have been photoshopped in my second gallery - are the eyes really so different?

Too bad, I thought I had her...


Lets for example concentrate on the nose, Goldie has a......dare I say slightly misshapen nose with a slight bump on the bridge, whereas my Girl has a perfect little nose.