If I were an airline pilot, I think in the middle of a long haul flight or at least during one of the quieter periods I would turn on the inter-com and sing in my most monotonous,
serial killeresque voice:
There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going.
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing.
Is it raining?
Is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing
so the danger must be growing.
Are the fires of hell a glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes! [getting slightly more hysterical here]
The danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing.
And they're certainly not showing
any signs that they are slowing!
Just for the fun of it.
Then I'd click off and get back to work.