How TF is someone supposed to actually *COLLECT* unemployment?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
My last job went under as a result of the economy. I got severance pay, I got assurance that unemployment wouldnt be turned down by the owner.. I paid the bills up for the next few months.

... and then I actually called the unemp. office and found that it's all online now. I cant get anyone to explain/walk-me-thru what this question pertains to, or when it's okay to file, what do these dates mean, and most importantly.. why am I being turned down while I'm legitimately looking for work? Meanwhile my friends/neighbors all over town submit what-the-hell-ever and the money always comes thru FOR THEM! Hmm, maybe I should go all Jerry-Springer-Guest and just start up franchises of kids all over to get government assistance, hmm?

I swear, it's moments like these where I wanna start up a couple credit cards and max them out because it seems I'm the only one not trying to fuck over Uncle Sam or skipping out on bills and I'm being left behind doing the right thing. wth?

Ehh, sorry to bother you but has anyone else actually dealt with unemployment? It's my first time and I'm getting nowhere. (I paid my friggin' taxes!)


Postal Paranoiac
Doesn't the state government process initial unemployment claims? HERE is an example of Michigan's online unemployment site. Try your state's.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Doesn't the state government process initial unemployment claims? HERE is an example of Michigan's online unemployment site. Try your state's.

When I called them up, they said that even if I were to come in** they'd just sit me at a computer and that's how it's done.

**The next town over, 15 minutes away by car. Not so few minutes when you cant afford a car.

I mean, I'm sure someone somewhere is processing these.. I guess. It didnt tell you what the process really is. In fact, it's sorta like being a noob at FreeOnes. You register.. you fill out your profile.. and then you're thrown into the middle of all this stuff/people you're not familiar with. What are the criteria for recieving it? Since when did they call it *unemployment insurance*? Sheeeit, I just lost my job, I cant pay for no insurance! heh heh.. if I want to file I have to use opera, but if I want to click the help buttons I have to use internet explorer. (some javascript incompatibility thing)

So I file, I wait, and then if it isnt accepted it just has an "N" for no as the reason. No buttons to refile or modify it and try again. No reason given. No goddamn sense!

::ahem:: Calm down.. have a drink, eat something and chill.
I had to go down to a career center and set somethings up before I was able to file online, or over the phone.
Ugh. Unemployment.

Unfortunately, I have forgotten all the crap a person has to go through to get it.


Hey, with any luck I'll find out soon!!!
Taxes != unemployment

(I paid my friggin' taxes!)
Actually, it's your employer that pays a separate unemployment fund from your income, property and other taxes in most (if not all?) states.
Of course, the federal government does sometimes offer assistance, as they did in at least two (2) rounds post-9/11.

Just wanted to point that out, not trying to be argumentative or anything.
I can understand your frustration, especially in your predicament right now.

Unfortunately, self-employed people like myself don't qualify for unemployment unless we make the same withholdings (and it's typically not worth it with all the rules).
So I've never collected it, and my wife's never collected it, so I can't attest to the many frustrations people do run into.
I did the unemployment process over the phone. I called the office at which point they set up a hearing date so that they could determine if I was eligible with my severance pay. After that was over with I just go online each Sunday and check the appropriate boxes, I usually get my unemployment check on Tuesday. This is how it's done in Connecticut, I don't know if it's the same in other states.
When I called them up, they said that even if I were to come in** they'd just sit me at a computer and that's how it's done.

**The next town over, 15 minutes away by car. Not so few minutes when you cant afford a car.

I mean, I'm sure someone somewhere is processing these.. I guess. It didnt tell you what the process really is. In fact, it's sorta like being a noob at FreeOnes. You register.. you fill out your profile.. and then you're thrown into the middle of all this stuff/people you're not familiar with. What are the criteria for recieving it? Since when did they call it *unemployment insurance*? Sheeeit, I just lost my job, I cant pay for no insurance! heh heh.. if I want to file I have to use opera, but if I want to click the help buttons I have to use internet explorer. (some javascript incompatibility thing)

So I file, I wait, and then if it isnt accepted it just has an "N" for no as the reason. No buttons to refile or modify it and try again. No reason given. No goddamn sense!

::ahem:: Calm down.. have a drink, eat something and chill.

The basic criteria to be eligible to collect is that you worked for a certain period continusly prior to becoming unemployed and that you are unemployed through no fault of your own.Basically meaning you didn't quit or get fired for something like stealing. If you are having problems with what they are asking for with the on line questions post them here and I'm sure we can help.
I really don't know all the rules. I've been unemployed for six months. I quit my job on good terms, gave my two weeks notice and all that jazz but I haven't been able to get another one. I would assume that I should be eligible for state unemployment, since I'm not working and not getting any income (but I still have to pay my fucking bills and taxes on everything). I don't believe it's wrong to mooch off the government, that's what we pay taxes for, it's our money anyway, but it's so much red tape and bullshit that I haven't bothered, even though I could really use some of those benefits and food stamps. Instead I'm just pissing away my life savings and broke and in debt all the time.
I really don't know all the rules. I've been unemployed for six months. I quit my job on good terms, gave my two weeks notice and all that jazz but I haven't been able to get another one. I would assume that I should be eligible for state unemployment, since I'm not working and not getting any income (but I still have to pay my fucking bills and taxes on everything). I don't believe it's wrong to mooch off the government, that's what we pay taxes for, it's our money anyway, but it's so much red tape and bullshit that I haven't bothered, even though I could really use some of those benefits and food stamps. Instead I'm just pissing away my life savings and broke and in debt all the time.

I hate to have to tell ya but really the basic rule is there is no way you can be fired/laid off and not collect but the opposite of that is there is no way you can quit and collect.
You must be "willing ,able and available" to work to be eligible and they take quitting as not being "willing".
Again, where "unemployment" comes from (not your taxes, especially not income) ...

I quit my job on good terms, gave my two weeks notice and all that jazz but I haven't been able to get another one. I would assume that I should be eligible for state unemployment, since I'm not working and not getting any income (but I still have to pay my fucking bills and taxes on everything).
Not likely.
Most state governments have the attitude that if you left a paying position on your own, then the tax payer need not be burdened with your choice not to work.

I don't believe it's wrong to mooch off the government,
I see it as mooching off your neighbor without their permission, as they had no choice in the funding.
Some people try to excuse it as, "oh, it only cost my neighbor a few pennies for me," but that logic is flawed.
It's based on many supporting one, when the reality it's actually many supporting many.

that's what we pay taxes for,
It's that attitude that leads to increased social spending in general, seeing the government as a "bottomless pit of money" and "my need is greater than your need."

But more on-topic, it's not true at all (unless I'm ignorant of some state where it is).

In most (all?) states, it's an unemployment fund that is paid by your employer when they employ you.
Most people who have never run their own business don't realize these expenses really add up.
In fact, a lot of employers wish it was this way, but in reality, they paid it, not you.

it's our money anyway, but it's so much red tape and bullshit that I haven't bothered, even though I could really use some of those benefits and food stamps.
I hate to be a jerk, but I think this goes into the "whining" thread.
People in the US don't realize what other people really don't have and what they do.

We do not have the tax payer basis to fund all this, and it's only getting worse as the Baby Boomers retire in the US.
My generation in the US, Generation-X is sandwiched between two huge generations.

We're getting sacked with education at the same time as retirement, and we're not going to be able to afford much else.
Even if we socialize so much, we're not going to have much left -- especially if we take away the private sector built around medicine to save that burden.

There's little industry and money left in this country and it's getting very difficult for our nation as I enter my prime income earning years.

Instead I'm just pissing away my life savings and broke and in debt all the time.
Savings are also for the times you don't have a job.
As someone who is self-employed, I have eaten over $25,000 in expenses and other things on a project before getting my first Net30 paid -- some 2 months after I started.

If every American would save and plan for their lack of employment for 6-12 months, or any other mishap in their live(s), we could easily reduce state and, in some cases, federal burden quite a bit.

- There outta be a law ...
- I'm entitled to this ...
- My need is greater ...

Everyone has their "circumstances" and everyone thinks there's is "more important."
My circumstances are "more important" as well, but that's no reason for me not to be thrift and save too.
I've gotta fucked over in business quite a bit, and learned my lessons (at a heavy, financial cost too).

I get pretty fucked by the progressive tax year in and year out -- where I make less than $30K one year, then $150K the next, and then less than $30K again.
I don't pay taxes like I averaged $70K/year either, I pay like I averaged over $100K/year.
Then add in the fact that my wife is put atop of that, and she pays 100% at the highest tax bracket.

Since I'm doing well again this year, we just decided to have her stop working as end of winter.
Just not worth it since she doesn't even bring home half her paycheck.
Based on the tax increase proposals, it wouldn't even be 2/3rds -- unless they finally kill the marriage penalty (and not pro-rate it).
Just to clarify Prof both employee and employer pay into the UI fund.
true, they paid taxes not me, because your paychecks is after taxes have been deducted, but I'm the one that worked for the wages, so either way you look at it, that money came out of my earnings.

as far as the notion that the government shouldn't pay for social services, what else are they supposed to be doing with that money? that's the whole purpose of the government as an institution. paying taxes is like investing in the nation.

Now whether or not they really can do it, that's a different matter. You are right, the people working and paying taxed today are the one's funding the retirement of yesterday. Inflation is the reality, the five bucks that got dropped into social security in 1927 ain't gonna cut it.

A few trillion in national debt doesn't help either.

as far as my situation goes, yeah, it was my poor choice to try and get a better job, but it was the collective poor choice of the nation to tank the economy so that now I can't get one.

Just to clarify Prof both employee and employer pay into the UI fund.
In what state(s)?
Not in any of the states I've worked in, that's for sure.
At least before I became self-employed, although I've incorporated in several states now.

Unless you are confusing social security and medicare taxes with these?
That's federal taxes and security blankets for future retirement, not state collections for unemployment.

true, they paid taxes not me, because your paychecks is after taxes have been deducted, but I'm the one that worked for the wages, so either way you look at it, that money came out of my earnings.
You're not listening to me, this is not income tax withholdings.
In every state I've worked in, it's been 0 paid by myself.

as far as the notion that the government shouldn't pay for social services, what else are they supposed to be doing with that money? that's the whole purpose of the government as an institution. paying taxes is like investing in the nation.
My God, you really believe this, don't you?
Why can't Americans have the attitude that the government should not take it in the first place?
The government does not and cannot "invest" like private citizens can with their own time and money.

You know what my wife, a former teacher, does today? Charity! 100% volunteer charity, and the public gets far more out of that than before.
It's better for her to use her time for charity, directly, than to feed the agencies and institutions that prosper, while others who really need it don't.
Seriously, I get totally disgusted when people think this is the purpose of government, to collect money and fund this and that, when so much pays for non-sense.

Furthermore, a quick glance at who 96% of income taxes are collected from quickly gets many people to open their eyes.
We're gutting our own private sector with this type of non-sense, and no wonder companies move.
We're taking away more and more discretionary income, and people don't realize what responsible income earners do with that money.

As I said, I invest more money every year than what I live on in good years.
And my wife and I live on less than $30,000 every year (sometimes quite a bit less).
Even the UK has certain approaches that are better than our tax system, despite the increased brackets.

Now whether or not they really can do it, that's a different matter.
Yes we can if we all adopt a different attitude than we had, and get back to what we should.

You are right, the people working and paying taxed today are the one's funding the retirement of yesterday. Inflation is the reality, the five bucks that got dropped into social security in 1927 ain't gonna cut it.

A few trillion in national debt doesn't help either.
It's more than a few now.

as far as my situation goes, yeah, it was my poor choice to try and get a better job,
I'm really trying not to "hit someone when their down," but this isn't look at it correctly at all.
You wait until you have another job before getting one if you're going to ask the public to give you unemployment.
I'm sorry this happened to you, but asking for the tax payer to give you unemployment given your choice to quit your job is not looking at it correctly at all.

but it was the collective poor choice of the nation to tank the economy so that now I can't get one.
That can happen at any time, which is why you don't quit your job until you have another.

In fact, even one of my most leftist, liberal friends even pointed out to me that recessions today are nothing compared to those in the past.
The standard and quality of living for most people, and the duration and intensity of recessions, have been much better the last 20 years than the mid '50s - '70s.
I googled it and there is no easy to find list of states that employees contribute to the UI fund.But NJ is definately one( I know there is a yearly cap in the employee deductions as well as I have hit it as I would imagine most here do). Some states apparently its all the employer.
I googled it and there is no easy to find list of states that employees contribute to the UI fund.But NJ is definately one( I know there is a yearly cap in the employee deductions as well as I have hit it as I would imagine most here do). Some states apparently its all the employer.

Not much to contribute, just verifying Friday's statement that NJ employees contribute to their own unemployment insurance. Shows up on the pay stub as NJUI or NJSUI.
Interesting ...

I googled it and there is no easy to find list of states that employees contribute to the UI fund.But NJ is definately one( I know there is a yearly cap in the employee deductions as well as I have hit it as I would imagine most here do). Some states apparently its all the employer.
Interesting to see that they even tax the employee in at least one state, wow!
New Jersey hasn't come after my W-2s yet, but there's a lot of financial work in Exchange Place that I've done on and off instead of in Manhattan.
So far, so good (crosses fingers).

Ahh, the pains of being self-employed and traveling, there's always some state/local governments that want their hands in the pie.
I've found Connecticut to be the absolute worst of all states, and I've paid them enough in taxes to send my wife through at out-of-state tuition rates. ;)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I've decided to call up my friends and just ask how they screw over the government.

I tell ya.. it's like spending a month in jail. You learn more about breaking the law and bypassing the rules INSIDE.. more than you'll learn outside.

Maybe they'll give me some insight as to how often they actually call the employers, check this wage or that link.. I dunno. I'm lost as to how I can be so very eligible for unemployment but not recieve it.
I've decided to call up my friends and just ask how they screw over the government.

I tell ya.. it's like spending a month in jail. You learn more about breaking the law and bypassing the rules INSIDE.. more than you'll learn outside.

Maybe they'll give me some insight as to how often they actually call the employers, check this wage or that link.. I dunno. I'm lost as to how I can be so very eligible for unemployment but not recieve it.

Well if you were employed long enough and got let go I can't see how they will deny you.As to the checking I know from having collected and being also the person they contacted to verify people saying they were laid off were actually laid off and are eligible that they check everybody.The wages and that they have on their computers,at least thats how it is in NJ.And yeah Its mostly done by computer here now too.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Well if you were employed long enough and got let go I can't see how they will deny you.As to the checking I know from having collected and being also the person they contacted to verify people saying they were laid off were actually laid off and are eligible that they check everybody.The wages and that they have on their computers,at least thats how it is in NJ.And yeah Its mostly done by computer here now too.

Employed for a year and change. Never missed a day and in fact, people still owe me a couple days that I covered for them.

Supposedly I Have to tell them exactly who I called, when, how much they offered, why they're not hiring, my sperm count, did I accept it, did I turn it down, can I work, did I work, did I recieve vacation pay (?!?), what will I name my first born, was it this week or last week, why did I call, why did they pick up, do they really want me to document my activities when I'm scheduled to go back to work in early august; how long is my dick and how far does it shoot when I reach *maximum potential*, was it to Jenna or Tera, and then I click submit and hope it works.

So far it hasnt. Maybe I should choose Tera this time.