how old were you when you lost your virginity?????

********** said:
Professor, your story is crazy! I've heard it before, but it still freaks me out whenever I read it!

I lost mine in the summer of 1991 when I was 10 years old. It was very brief. I didn't have full intercourse again till I was 14, though.


10? I was still pulling girls' hair when I was 10...
16, about a week after my birthday

Minimum age of consent in the UK. In my (20-year-old) boyfriend's car: I was very nervous and didn't enjoy it, being terrified of being caught and besides he was crap. He accused me of not being a virgin because I didn't bleed, but I'd been horseriding since I was 6 and "heavy petting" and using a dildo since I was 13 so the hymen was history. Needless to say that was the only time with him. A month later I spent a weekend in a caravan with an older man and I always think that I really lost my virginity the first evening with him.
17, was of course with an older woman, she was 31 and was one of my mums friends (my mum was 36) and my mum was having her birthday party and this lady was there who i had known for quite a while, almost 5 years and she was very attractive, especially for her age, we had a bit to drink, not drunk though and we were talkin for ages, then she just stood up and grabbed me by the hand and led me to her car, it was the first and last time i have ever done it in a car. It was a good experience, especially as she was gentle and teachful to me! I love MILF'S!
The "male" who denied his lovers' intercourse ...

Torre82min said:
Wow, I've never heard of a guy complaining about getting both laid, and having an orgasm.
When it physically hurts, could get you a STD or make you a father and, in general -- when I was most vunerable -- she slapped me, I was pretty pissed off. I also really wanted to save intercourse for my wife -- and she's the only woman who took it away.

Understand I had dozens of lovers before her, and dozens after her. But she violated me in a way that she should have known better -- and she blamed me for her lack of respect of me. We didn't last long after that.

Torre82min said:
More power to you for having willpower. I honestly couldnt say no to most people.. :/
What "willpower"? Once I discovered the type of women I liked, I never "denied myself." I tit-fucked her several times before then. "Willpower"? I just didn't stick it in -- not worth it.

Torre82min said:
But gladly, I dont put myself in a situation or especially a social situation where I'd be available for such rapings. :)
I don't either. We got interrupted every night for the past 3 nights -- and I was very "loaded" since we had extensive foreplay but I hadn't gone. So in her "joke" to mount me and "keep me from getting up" -- she got far more than she bargained for!

********** said:
Professor, your story is crazy! I've heard it before, but it still freaks me out whenever I read it!
Hey man, I've been dumped, insulted, hummiliated, etc... by women -- especially when I wouldn't enter them vaginally. I'd give a woman oral and she'd turn around and bitch how I didn't go "all-the-way." Yes, I was the opposing "male" version of the "gals" who have guys they gave blowjobs to but they still bitched she wouldn't let them inside of her.

LadyLove said:
16 on my wedding night. The story would make you weep. lol
I'd love to hear it!

Orthocyclen said:
16 after a football game. May expalin why I love cheerleaders so much.
I'm the exact opposite! I lettered in football (among 2 other sports) in high school (my school won the Florida state title -- not exactly an easy state to play in either) and seeing cheerleaders make asses of themselves really turned me off. Especially at parties and other events after the games.

Especially when I was the only guy who didn't drink (and I never have) and often took people home. Not only did I have to deal with the cheerleader who wouldn't take "no" for an answer all while I'm just trying to get her home -- but the parents often took out their frustration on me when I brought her home safely and I was the only one being responsible! To make matters worse, after I took one cheerleader home, a few weeks later she told her parents that I was the father of her child. Sigh, don't get me started.

But through all that -- I never once blamed women "in general" for the crap I got dealt. Women can be just as irresponsible as men any day -- and its worse in some aspects because people assume they are "ladies" by default or "oh, he's a man and he just won't admit what he did to her!" I was always just hopeful women realized this. Lucky for me, most people understood me to be honorable -- especially by late high school.

As I've stated in other threads, I don't focus on "morality" or other non-sense. I don't think I'm "better" than anyone else. I honestly believe that the government shouldn't tell you what to do with your life. I only choose to live my life because it makes it easier for me, and I never think I'm "better" than anyone because of it. I've had that attitude and "staple" of my "no non-sense, no envy" values since age 15. It's a peace I wish others could discover.

If people are responsible and open -- they can have as many partners and lovers and whatnot as they wish. The problem is that people tend not to be, or tend to hide things or be selfish and not respect the values of others that are affected. I could really care less about "family values" and that related political non-sense that's an excuse to "judge" others. All I care about is how someone else's irresponsibility is affecting me -- if they aren't irresponsible and have open relationships with those they care about, then they could sleep around all-the-time and nothing would be an issue in my eyes.

Which is why I really learned not to give a flying fuck what adults thought when I was 15+, because most of them were not as set in their values and responsibility. And that included my mother who regularly grounded me because she thought I was "too popular" (hardly!) or thought I was "having too much fun."
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Closed Account
I was 18, with my girlfriend (at the time).

We and a couple friends had gone to a couple parties, but nothing was really going on so we went back to our friend's cousins' house and hung out there for awhile. Everyone decided that was enough of that, so she, my friend, and I all went back to his house. She and I were "sleeping" on the floor and he was in his bed about 2 feet away. And that was where it happened, 2 feet away from my friend, asleep in his bed.


Closed Account
All I remember is she was a Swedish blonde nanny....(sigh)
Cyprus 5 years ago (was 18). You HAVE to love Agia Napa:)
14 and I couldn't get it as hard as it can be... That's how nervous I was. The next night I didn't have any "problems"
I'm the exact opposite! I lettered in football (among 2 other sports) in high school (my school won the Florida state title -- not exactly an easy state to play in either) and seeing cheerleaders make asses of themselves really turned me off. Especially at parties and other events after the games.

That's weird. I was a Rudy type (suck at sports, but always got encouragement from friends to be put in the game).

She was a study friend of mine (with a reputation of being a little promiscuous). One day after a party after game I was taking her home. We got to her driveway (it's around one in the morning) We got to her drive way, and she wanted to sit there and talk for a while. Then she started rubbing my crotch with her hand.

Long story short she gave me a handjob after talking about the future (don't ask, it was kind of heartfelt). She said I was sweet. Then she asked if I wanted the real thing. After a a short conversation (and getting hard again), she started to ride me. Didn't last more than three minutes.

In spite of the short stint, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life for two reasons. 1. after I came, she took off the condom and gave the tip of my penis a little kiss. 2. She started tugging on it and told me, "it's okay, it's your first time." and smiled. We were fuck buddies afterwards, but lost contact during college. But I recently heard from her (a few months). She's happily married.


Closed Account
I have to go against the grain again. I lost my virginity at 23 with my wife. I'm glad I waited until I found someone to love, who loves me. Porn is fun and it's great to "practice" but I don't trust people.

I love myself, and I waited until I knew I had found "the One". There may be 3 billion woman on the planet, but there is only one for me.
16, on a vacation in Spain with an English girl with a great body. ( big smile ) no regrets.