How often do you swear?


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Only when I'm driving, and whenever I get ambushed in COD:MW2, which is pretty often.
all the fucking time. maybe not every sentence, but a lot.
I swear soo much most of the time that I replace actual words and terms with a swear..."you know that fuckin' fuck with the uh shit, you know, yeah that fucker."
How often do I swear?. Not very fucking much.

When a friend and I go for a walk in the countryside or take our mountain bikes with us. We bring along our cameras (photo and also film cameras) incase we decide to do something mad (Jackass style) or see something unusual, etc, etc.

Anyway, one time we were outdoors, in one video clip that lasted 3 and a half minutes. I was told by my friend that I said "fuck" 52 times in three and a half minutes. He said he sat at home and counted then all. I have still to check this out to see if it's true. It probably is.

I make Ricky from Trailer Park Boys sound like a Saint.
I naturally talk with such a "trucker mouth" - it's hard to tone it down in public sometimes. I got caught at a store with a guy friend once... I don't remember all of what I said, but I know "Eating Pussy" came out of my mouth very loudly. I turned around and there was 3 people behind me. There was a kid and his parents behind me.
Oops. My friend was embarrassed and asked me how I thought they were going to explain that one. I said, "Well, I'd tell the kid she was talking about eating a cat."

Is saying "pussy" in public worse than saying "fuck?"

Good thing they didn't hear me with road rage... serious corruption of the public might've occurred.

Shit! Every other fucking word I say is fuck and if it's not fuck it's shit and if it's not shit it's cunt. ;)
Swearing comes as natural to me as breathing. I say that with a certain amount of pride.
Saying "pussy" in public I think can be because it's not heard as often in public as "fuck" is, that's my theory anyway.:D
Every day! Admittedly, I curse way too much. I drop the F-bomb the most. I tried to quit, but its REALLY hard. I think I'll try again.


Well that didn't last long.
I always tend to swear only when I'm confessing my sins to a priest during evening vespers. . . which always begins 'forgive me father for I have fucking sinned . . . f-yadda-f-yadda-f-yadda '

just keeping it real. :o
I can't decide on what to select based on what is listed. I curse all the time but I am also in a perpetual state of anger. God damn it! Why couldn't you have better choices! :mad:


I like to write bad language to punctuate points:D
As for actually using it when speaking it really depends on the company I am with and the circumstances....Usually it wouldnt be often. You can bastardise it to the point it just loses its edge so like whats the point. Like I dont like Gordan Ramsey lulz.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hmmm good question depende on how I am feeling that day.