How offensive is Churchill's Quote?

“A good speech should be like a woman's skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.”​

A provincial leader said this, and was made to apologize. Which he did. But the complainant then went further, and demanded that he also apologize for the guy that was in his office before him for the sexist comments his predecessor made, AND that he also take sensitivity training.

What do you guys think? Was this quote bad enough for a public apology? And if it was, is an apology sufficient? Or did it warrant more?
1) Just because the original comment came from Churchill, doesn't mean it's good, doesn't mean it's not offensive.

2) That quote was offensive and it was right for the guy who made it to be apologize for it.

3) Public apology was enough (except if Cullenis known for having a history of misoginy, sexual harassment, inappropriate comments, etc.).
But the calls for Cullen to apologize more and take sensitivity training came from a woman from an opposite party so I'd say it's part of the game, you know the opposite party will exagerate the misconduct and ask for extremely tough sanctions and, were the roles reversed, you'd do the exact same thing...


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Of all the offensive things Churchill said or wrote, this wouldn’t make the top tier. He was a man of his times.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
"I may be drunk madam, but you're ugly, and tomorrow, I'll be sober". One of the best lines ever. The other one I really like is from tommy Chong, on his 70's show character, "They can't show a bong, so they show a Chong".
I agree that a public figure, especially a leader in government in today's world shouldn't be making comments like this, and is worthy of an apology. I could see it as problematic if a leader at work said this as well.

But if a friend said it in a casual setting, I wouldn't see an issue. And I don't think my female friends would be deeply offended by it either.
I was curious to see what you guys thought. Especially the Brits on the board :)

3) Public apology was enough (except if Cullenis known for having a history of misoginy, sexual harassment, inappropriate comments, etc.).
But the calls for Cullen to apologize more and take sensitivity training came from a woman from an opposite party so I'd say it's part of the game, you know the opposite party will exagerate the misconduct and ask for extremely tough sanctions and, were the roles reversed, you'd do the exact same thing...
I find it troubling that the complainant went farther than necessary just for political theatre. She had made her point at getting the apology, and no one really took issue with that, including Cullen who complied with no reservations. But pushing it further cheapened her point, and that's when the audience turned on her. It would have been a valid point if she quit while she was ahead, and instead she ruined the whole thing IMO.
I was in a work meeting today, and after I pitched an idea I asked "So what do you guys think?"
...And a LGBTQ+ person called me out on it.

Man ...I mean, Wow, it is hard to change old habits like that.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I was in a work meeting today, and after I pitched an idea I asked "So what do you guys think?"
...And a LGBTQ+ person called me out on it.

Man ...I mean, Wow, it is hard to change old habits like that.
And that's my problem, and problem with it. What you said wasn't meant to hurt, or demean. But YOU have to learn to accept, and change, and be more sensitive. The other person doesn't need to be understanding, or take it with a grain of salt. Everybody else has to change to suit someone else, but no one else, has to be understanding. People that act like that, need to be issued a rifle, pack, and helmet, and put in a foxhole for 13 months, fighting alongside people they don't like, until they realize the world sucks, you can't always get your way, and there are far more important things going on around you. I completely understand, and agree everyone deserves basic human respect, but if you can't just let something like that go, you need a proctologist to remove the great big stick from your ass.
I thought 'guys' was a fairly generic.

Merriam-Webster agrees:

I use “guys” all the time referring to a bunch of people with both men and women or just men.

I remember a long time ago when I worked the door two women left and I said, “You ladies have a nice night.” One of them made a U-Turn and asked, “What did you call us?” Then I repeated, “You broads take care, now.” I never forgot that. How can a woman have such low self-esteem that she can’t allow herself to be called a lady?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
People shouldn't be so sensitive to words whether spoken out loud or posted on forums.
I have never seriously used the phrase, "I find that offensive." It's a grown up version of "I'm telling Mom." Or some other bullshit.

And if that's the most offensive thing Winnie ever said, who gives a fuck? I suppose at the time it would have been almost scandalous but nowadays there are kids learning from their middle school teachers how to perform oral and anal sex/ or drag queen story time at community libraries. It's all about perspective.

If a school were to publish a lesson plan that involved that subject matter and allowed parents to determine if it is appropriate for their kid, I honestly wouldn't have a problem. But they're so insidious in their approach that I have little or no sympathy for their cause.
You know people have it good when they have enough disposable time and energy to search for something hoping to be outraged about.
I feel a lot of these basically occur after someone makes a fuss telling people they should be outraged. Sort of like Will laughing at Chris's joke, and then getting outraged when his wife shot him that look.
I feel a lot of these basically occur after someone makes a fuss telling people they should be outraged. Sort of like Will laughing at Chris's joke, and then getting outraged when his wife shot him that look.

Will is projected upon, manipulated, and cucked out. A disgrace of a man who can't knock the smile off Chris Rock's face.
I use “guys” all the time referring to a bunch of people with both men and women or just men.

I remember a long time ago when I worked the door two women left and I said, “You ladies have a nice night.” One of them made a U-Turn and asked, “What did you call us?” Then I repeated, “You broads take care, now.” I never forgot that. How can a woman have such low self-esteem that she can’t allow herself to be called a lady?
And that's my problem, and problem with it. What you said wasn't meant to hurt, or demean. But YOU have to learn to accept, and change, and be more sensitive. The other person doesn't need to be understanding, or take it with a grain of salt. Everybody else has to change to suit someone else, but no one else, has to be understanding. People that act like that, need to be issued a rifle, pack, and helmet, and put in a foxhole for 13 months, fighting alongside people they don't like, until they realize the world sucks, you can't always get your way, and there are far more important things going on around you. I completely understand, and agree everyone deserves basic human respect, but if you can't just let something like that go, you need a proctologist to remove the great big stick from your ass.

I thought 'guys' was a fairly generic.

Merriam-Webster agrees:

Thanks Guys (<-- LOL)
I basically just said "Ooops, sorry about that". Neither of us made a deal out of it and we moved on. If they had pushed it further, I don't know what I would have done. I have a feeling I would have gone the route of what you said about "guys" being accepted as gender inclusive, and it wasn't in any way to be taken as Cis male exclusive.

I think we take vocabulary changes more seriously as society in general changes the meaning. I know my Brit friends would refer to going out for a smoke as a "fag", but they changed when that word became unacceptable. In the same way, so long as the majority of people accept "guys" as being gender inclusive, I don't know if people (including myself) will make a concerted effort to change the habbit.
I innocently mis-pronouned a dyke who worked at PetCo yesterday. She looked like a wimpy White male so I called her "sir". Kinda looked like Elliot "Don't call me Ellen" Page. Not my fault and she wasn't upset at all but I was ever so slightly embarrassed with my clumsy lingo.