How Much Money is Enough?


Re: How Much Money is Enough?

I figure a quick $20 grand per month plus an annual 4% increase to stay ahead of the rate of inflation should suffice . . .

Ah, we better make it $30 grand

$50k per month actually . . .


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Meh...I don't need to live in luxury. I don't have that kind of ambition so I'm satisfied with how I live now. Just eating pizza, burgers, and burritos and chilling comfortably in my modest apartment.

Anyways, I never did have much of a liking for people that brandish their wealth with such unimaginative things.
1 billion.

I crave the feeling of never, EVER needing to worry about money, or how little I have. I think even with a few million, I'd constantly think "can I afford this" because houses, cars, handbags...aren't cheap.

Damn, you must really be into the handbags. :tongue:
you can get through an entire normal lifetime with $20 million


Official Checked Star Member
Damn...seriously? There are a lot of things in life to be greatful for - your arms and legs (think of people missing those things); your friends and family; the friggin' beautiful earth. :dunno: Ehhhh, everybody's different.

I'm not a heartless bitch. My main goal for the last ten years is to get so financially stable, on my own so that I can adopt as many children as they'll give me...I wouldn't just sit around on my pile of cash. I'd be accomplishing my personal goal of being a mommy, 10x over. There are guys in this thread who've said they'd need millions to feel good...which is obviously more than anyone NEEDS. We're all being unrealistic here so why quote just me? lol.

but the idea of not ever having to worry about money is something that excites me. As someone who's spent most of my adulthood in debt...and now being overwhelmingly pressured because of imagine never having to worry every again is something that would give me great peace.


Postal Paranoiac
I don't want money. Just the love of a beautiful and honorable woman. That and a $50 gift card from Macy's. Oh...and a billion dollars. No taxes.