How Gay Are You

It said I was 26% gay and should
"Loosen up my straight mate! These days women like a man with some softer edges to grab onto."

Yeah, right. Doesn't turning 'more gay' defeat the attempt to get a woman? I mean if you become more gay to loosen up then you'd stop finding women attractive because you'd be gay...:rolleyes:

I need to watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
I`m 20% gay.

They said way too straight for these modern times!

- you're a walking, talking, red-blooded hetro guy. Just way too straight for these modern times mate!

tietliplover said:
40 for me to that sucks ass:confused: im not gay wtf:dunno:

I wouldn't give it much thought. In fact I'd be willing to wager that there's no correlation between things like credit card balance and sexual orientation...

Or is there? :D