How Does A Girl Feel When She Gets A Double Penetration ????

I wonder what ever happenned to Michelle Lopez...
I wonder too, I'd like to talk to this woman, she could teach me a thing or three!
I wonder what ever happenned to Michelle Lopez...

I wonder too, I'd like to talk to this woman, she could teach me a thing or three!

She is starting up her own website with her business friends and has been very busy while doing it. Plus her other work keeps her very busy and sometimes away from the computer for long periods of time.

Other than that don't ask for anymore infomation, as refusal often offends.
Yes you guy's , i'm finally back and hopefully here for a while. Been real busy and Krista38dd , it's my pleasure to meet you and really nice to see another woman on the board. Fell free to Private message me anytime. We will get a chance to talk some more. :lovecoupl
Well not to brag or anything but I do have lots of experience in dp and it's an awsome feeling. Girls have to experience that once in a lifetime. Girls who don't are defenitly missing out on the best orgasm a woman could ever have. I get dp at least once a week now because I just can't get enougth of it anymore. But like I said, the guy's your with make the hole experience worth it. Guy's who don't know how to go about it will fuck everything up.
Go dp's Go;)

WOW!! Once a week?? I would love to be with a girl that wants it that hard, that often!
I loved hearing about your experiences. keep them coming. This thread should never die.

If any girls want to pm me because they have questions and are curious about living a dp , but are affraid or not experienced and need guidance, let me know and i'll help you out. love you all :lovecoupl



?????????? pain. well, if you've done a dp on a girl or anal 1 on 1 with a girl and she felt pain, well, it's because you didn't prepare her well and didn't know how to go about it. It's not a straigth foward fuck like pussy sex.

A woman who prepares the right way and has an experience with guy's who know how to go about this, well, beleive me, their aint no pain at all. It's the total opposite. it's 10 times the climax of a pussy squirt baby. I know it and i've also teached many girls on how to go about it , but if there making out with idiots who don,t know better, of course their will be pain.

take care baby :lovecoupl


knows petras secret: she farted.
i bet its so awesome. thats what i would go out and do right off the bat if i was a girl for a day.