Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

I don't see how anyone could think that it is not racist. racism is defined as making inferences about people based solely on their race. To say that you are not attracted to any members of a certain race is to consider a person solely as a member of their racial group and not based on any characteristics as an individual. that's racist.

If you don't think so, then what precisely is your definition of racism?

I know Calpoon,doubt some will ever see that when they say things like "I don't find women of other races attractive" that is racist by any measure.They just don't see it,not out of malice but they just don't see it.Personally I don't even believe them lol.I bet there are certain women of any race that if they were given the oppurtunity to have sex with they would.:nanner:

I was thinking about this and the race in porn angle and this thought came to me that some might want to consider.I can totally see a girl who is not racist refusing to enagage in interracial for lets say the following reason.As we can imagine her father lets say may not approve of her career choice of being in porn but would find her being involved in interracial as even more disturbing,so the girl may choose not to do that just to try to appease the parents and their sensibilities to some degree.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

In that case, what about a dog penis?

You haven't been on the internet very long, have you? If you seek you shall find.

As for the original question, they will when their money or popularity dies off.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

I don't see how anyone could think that it is not racist. racism is defined as making inferences about people based solely on their race. To say that you are not attracted to any members of a certain race is to consider a person solely as a member of their racial group and not based on any characteristics as an individual. that's racist.

If you don't think so, then what precisely is your definition of racism?

See, that's where I disagree. Sexual attraction and racism have nothing to do with eachother. That's like saying all gay people are sexist because they're not sexually attracted to the opposite sex.

I'm not all that attracted to black or Asian women, not because I am racist and hate black people and Asians...but because I am not sexually attracted to black women or Asian women, that's it.

Mixing the two is just an excuse to play the race card, IMHO.

:2 cents:
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

but you're comparing apples to oranges. and the measures don't qualify anyway.

A straight person might say they are only attracted to straight people, but you can't tell a persons sexual orientation just by looking at them, so it really doesn't have anything to do with who they are attracted to. Also their attraction is not based on sexual orientation or even to gender, because these things are not inherently attractive. By that I mean a heterosexual male is not attracted to a person just because she is a straight woman. I'm sure there are many straight women that he is not attracted to. His attraction is based on individual characteristics, not on broad generalizations.

I don't really like comparing racism to sexism. I don't think they are the same thing. While gender as much as ethnicity is a social construct, there is a genetic distinction between men and women that is not the same as the classification of race, which is largely based not on genetics. I think that is getting into the very nature of sexuality itself, which seems to me like a different topic.

To say that you are not attracted to black people means to say that you do not like black skin color, because that is the only characteristic that is definitive to black people.

Of course there are other physical characteristics that define race based on regional relations, but at this point in human history there is enough cross breeding that there is a significant sampling of members of any race that exhibit characteristics of other racial groups. so I don't think you can make that statement without it being in regards simply to skin color.

I didn't say anything about hate, that is an emotion, that isn't part of the definition of racism. To value one race as the best above all others is not hate, but that is racism. I already defined how I think the situation is racist, so I don't really need to repeat it. But I haven't heard an answer to my challenge to refute my definition and give an alternative one.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

but you're comparing apples to oranges. and the measures don't qualify anyway.

Sure they do. You are saying that since I am not attracted to black women and Asian women that I am racist because I am "judging them purely on looks, purely on what I see with my eyes"...not their personality or individuality.

Well, in your theory, gay men do the same thing with women. They see a women and judge her because of her sex...not their personality or individuality. They could be the two most compatible people in world. They could share the same thoughts, beliefs, emotions, etc...but the gay man will never know that because he is "judging her purely on looks, purely on what he sees with his eyes"...which, in your theory, should make him sexist.

The measure I used as an example is the same with both scenarios.

so I don't really need to repeat it. But I haven't heard an answer to my challenge to refute my definition and give an alternative one.

Every single person has a different defintion of what racism really is. To me, racism is displaying hatred or derogatory action towards a member of "another race", solely based on their skin color, ethnicity, etc.

Not being sexually attracted to a member of a different race doesn't make one a racist. I'm not sexually attracted to other men, so does that make me a reverse-sexist? No. It just means that I'm not sexually attracted to them...nothing more.

Different people have different levels of tolerance when it comes to what is racist and what isn't. I have a few black friends who laugh at "racist jokes" and a few black friends who don't. Some are more touchy about the subject than others, and you just have to know who is who. :dunno:

Personally, people cry racism entirely waaaaaaay too much in this country and it's annoying.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

Why should I have an opinion on someone who doesnt want to do interracial its their choice and its none of my business to ask why she wont and I really dont care. For people to be calling her racist is a bit much isnt it, she just wont do interracial porn. So what???
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

Why should I have an opinion on someone who doesnt want to do interracial its their choice and its none of my business to ask why she wont and I really dont care. For people to be calling her racist is a bit much isnt it, she just wont do interracial porn. So what???

If she won't fuck him because she doesn't find him attractive, then whatever. If she won't fuck him because he's black, it's racist. I'm not losing any sleep over it, but damn.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

I always find it so ironic that usually, the same people who yap on and on about individual liberty and free choice are the same people who call someone names because they like something/have a different preference than they do. :rolleyes:

So let me get this straight... if I don't find most black women attractive, then I'm a racist? That's absurd.

And for the record, we are all members of the same "race"... the human race. The term "racism" is misused...
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

If she won't fuck him because she doesn't find him attractive, then whatever. If she won't fuck him because he's black, it's racist. I'm not losing any sleep over it, but damn.

What if she doesn't find "black" attractive? :dunno:
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

What if she doesn't find "black" attractive? :dunno:

That's a big if. C'mon now, were talking about sex. I don't find Asian girls that attractive, but I'll fuck one if asked (with a smile of my face). Of course, I'm someone that fails at talking to women so any opportunity for sex I'll take.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

That's a big if. C'mon now, were talking about sex. I don't find Asian girls that attractive, but I'll fuck one if asked (with a smile of my face). Of course, I'm someone that fails at talking to women so any opportunity for sex I'll take.

Yeah but this is porn were talking about, what you will and will not take for sex is irelavant because its not like shes picking up a black guy and taking him back to her place, there is no asking, shes getting paid to fuck on screen thats all, and if she doesnt want to fuck a black guy on screen then thats her business.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

Everyone has right to their opinion. I don't consider my self racist but I've never been attracted to a black woman.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

It is always the girls right to choose who she shares her body with. IR in this biz means 'black' essentially, as there are few if any, Asian, Arab, Hispanic guys around.

It shouldnt be an issue.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

admittedly there are few Asian, Arab and Hispanic guys and you say that race isn't an issue? and it's not just men, look at the women too. the majority of them are Caucasian, Latino, Asian, and then it goes down from there, IE: in descending order based on lightness of skin color.

it's not just about hatred and discrimination. It's about a large portion of people not only in the business but as consumers that aren't attracted to other races, that won't date other races, that won't have relationships with other races. And that is why it is racism above all IMO. It's about society's prerogative to put emphasis on race by continuing to put up racial barriers. people like to turn it around and say that people who point this out, people that favor real integration of races, not this same old segregation of people into distinctive separate groups in classification and in practical being are "playing the race card". it's backwards.
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?


This is quite a simple issue and I don't see why it yields such a complicated discussion. I believe that most of you participating here don't have a clue as to what racism really is and the differences between racism, prejudice and discrimination and/ or how they interact with one another in terms of function...

I don't know if the young lady in question is racist or not. But I do know that she is more than likely confused. Either do your job or come out with a more viable explanation as to why you cannot or better yet pack it in and take up another vocation all together. As a pornographic actress you fuck whomever the director directs you to fuck. As fucking is your job.


There is the statistic that Blacks have the fastest growing number of HIV cases of any other American Ethnic group. Could that be a concern? Well, it is a fire starter but based upon statistics I guess it would be a legitimate concern. But wait, here comes two holes in that argument as gaping as Jayna Oso's sphincter after a round or two with Lex Steel: 1- EVERYONE gets tested anyway/ 2- These cases are mostly growing amongst BLACK WOMEN and I have seen some of these ridiculous porn whores REFUSE to fuck Black Men, but do lez shit with Black women, and DO NOT extend their quarantine of Negro genotype to include refusing to fuck White Male actors who ass-ream Black porn whores...

Say what??? :confused:

Yeah, right...


As to anyone who would say with a broad blanket statement that they are not attracted to a certain race? You are at a minimum underexposed and probably need to climb out of the attic/ basement more often...

I mean seriously...



Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?


This is quite a simple issue and I don't see why it yields such a complicated discussion. I believe that most of you participating here don't have a clue as to what racism really is and the differences between racism, prejudice and discrimination and/ or how they interact with one another in terms of function...

I don't know if the young lady in question is racist or not. But I do know that she is more than likely confused. Either do your job or come out with a more viable explanation as to why you cannot or better yet pack it in and take up another vocation all together. As a pornographic actress you fuck whomever the director directs you to fuck. As fucking is your job.


There is the statistic that Blacks have the fastest growing number of HIV cases of any other American Ethnic group. Could that be a concern? Well, it is a fire starter but based upon statistics I guess it would be a legitimate concern. But wait, here comes two holes in that argument as gaping as Jayna Oso's sphincter after a round or two with Lex Steel: 1- EVERYONE gets tested anyway/ 2- These cases are mostly growing amongst BLACK WOMEN and I have seen some of these ridiculous porn whores REFUSE to fuck Black Men, but do lez shit with Black women, and DO NOT extend their quarantine of Negro genotype to include refusing to fuck White Male actors who ass-ream Black porn whores...

Say what??? :confused:

Yeah, right...


As to anyone who would say with a broad blanket statement that they are not attracted to a certain race? You are at a minimum underexposed and probably need to climb out of the attic/ basement more often...

I mean seriously...



I am not here to slam your post just too point out that you proved why the simple discussion has blossomed into a complex issue!

relatively speaking I think, racism, discrimination, and prejudice can and all do relate to the same thing, in one way or another whether it be the literal meaning of each example or not!! they are all in the same ballpark?? am I mistaken??

Well that being said you nailed the only acceptable answer, IMHO,SHE IS PAID TOO FUCK WHOMEVER THE DIRECTOR TELLS HER TOO FUCK!! end of story!! if she doesn't abide or accept those conditions, get the fuck out of here and find another occupation where your blatant racial issues don't compromise your work!!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

Personally, I think this whole debate has been blown ridiculously waaaaay out of proportion. Making mountains out of mole hills is only useful if you're playing with Matchbox cars.

This issue was "resolved" the minute that these two posts were made...

Pornstars are paid to make love to a penis... it shouldn't matter if that penis is white or black.

In that case, what about a dog penis?
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

I am not here to slam your post just too point out that you proved why the simple discussion has blossomed into a complex issue!

relatively speaking I think, racism, discrimination, and prejudice can and all do relate to the same thing, in one way or another whether it be the literal meaning of each example or not!! they are all in the same ballpark?? am I mistaken??

Well that being said you nailed the only acceptable answer, IMHO,SHE IS PAID TOO FUCK WHOMEVER THE DIRECTOR TELLS HER TOO FUCK!! end of story!! if she doesn't abide or accept those conditions, get the fuck out of here and find another occupation where your blatant racial issues don't compromise your work!!

Slam it if you feel it deserves it... :D

I just wanted to pitch my hat in the ring. Not meaning to expand the topic but to further condense it, in all actuality. Just did it by saying a little more than what I had seen mentioned so far...

I am fascinated with the subtleties of language and the utilitarian applications of the same. Therefore I am here to tell you, as far as exact dictionary definitions are concerned? Those three terms ARE NOT the same, but rather one interacts with the other to build the third.

Prejudice, based on Stereotyping (there goes another word!) yields discrimination, or rather discriminatory value systems, beliefs and personal perspectives. Once the value system becomes a policy of personal behavior and the "rule of thumb" for dealing with the pre-judged subject racism is born...

At least that is how I understand the mechanics of the language... :glugglug:
Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

Personally, I think this whole debate has been blown ridiculously waaaaay out of proportion. Making mountains out of mole hills is only useful if you're playing with Matchbox cars.

This issue was "resolved" the minute that these two posts were made...

I beg to differ concerning those two posts...

But I can respect your personal perspective. My OPINION of it however is another story... :sleep:


Re: What do you think of Pornstars that don't do interracial?

I don't know if it's racist. Theres only 1 black chick i'd probably do for sure. Lacey Duvalle, i'm just not really attracted to black chicks. Even black dudes aren't always attracted to black chicks according to an interview I saw of a black dude married to a white chick.