How do you like to start each day?

Which one best describes your morning meal?

  • Healthy: Fruit, cereal, etc.

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • Heavy: Eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • The Hemingway: Last night's leftover martini and a ciagarette.

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • The Karen Carpenter: No time.....would rather hit snooze one more time.

    Votes: 19 28.4%

  • Total voters
it depends somedays i like cereal in morning or ham & eggs with toast. sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i don't BTW who's karen carpenter?

She was an actress or singer back in the 70's......basically had anorexia so bad she starved herself to death. Pretty messed up right there.


Is somewhere outhere.
The Karen Carpenter idea suits me nicely.I only get time for a glass of milk,oj
and a couple of mouthfuls of Cashews.

On the weekend anything goes :D
Cereal or bread. Pretty much.
I almost always don't eat breakfast. It makes my stomach hurt and gives me the shits all day. So, I usually skip it.

Is this coming from someone who likes to drink? Because I have to do the same thing the day after I've had a bit to drink. Which is generally half of my week at least.

Otherwise, I eat fruit or toast or scrambled eggs. Or all 3.
Alive. I mean honestly, who would like to wake up and realize they were dead. Then have someone check on your shit and discover the ENORMOUS morning wood your sporting. Its a shame really, wasting that morning wood like that.
If I'm working, I start the day with whatever the production manager decides to get for the crew. That can range with anywhere from a "Fuck you, buy your own food" to eggs, bacon, fruit, toast, milk, sausages, cereal, juice, yogurt, donuts, coffee, and pastries, and everything in between.

If I'm not working, I usually have a blend of all the cereals I can find at the house. If there are any leftovers from the previous night, cold pizza is my breakfast of choice.

I haven't done the Hemingway since I was in college full time. I lost count of how many times I went to a 9:20 am class with a buzz. After all, everybody knows that a six pack of Heineken is the breakfast of champions. :beer:
Eggs, some sort of breakfast meat, and a can of Diet Mountain Dew... its the only way I don't end up with either a mid-morning energy crash or so hungry that I snack my way through 3 days worth of calories.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The Hemingway. I carefully prepare a drink for the start of the new day, look around to see what I need.. down it, check the stats in the mirror.. go thru a rigorous 7 point inspection... oftentimes skipping 5 or so points after I notice and contrast which anime character my hair looks like after waking, today.

Then I down the drink and start on my Triple-S (copyright) wakeup routine! Shit Shower Shave. I throw a cough drop in the mouth, spray all the sniffy areas with some cologne and trudge off to the timeclock while trying to avoid anyone noticing me talking to myself. Usually talking about possible jokes to be made today.. what the hell did I do last night? Am I over budget? Man I shouldve wanked before work, today... oh hey, there's the school bus... man, is she in high school? Could've sworn I saw some version of her on the 'fap last night... schoolgirls gone mild, eh?


Closed Account
the first ingredient in most cereals is sugar, so how can you say that cereal is healthy?

i usually start my day with 3 cups of coffee and a bowl of cereal and a banana or toast
i get up out of bed and sit down in front of computer...log onto freeones...check what is new.....check my limewire downloads from the night before....squeeze out a hot load...then jump in the shower