probably best to apply on the websites, they usually have a system where you can send in your information. Other than that, if you care to do a bit of research, you can find out the contact info for the video production studeos.
The thing is, do you actually have any technical skills or experience? It's just like any other job, they probably aren't going to hire someone just off the street.
I know a guy that works as an editor on porn movies. He doesn't live anywhere near shooting sets, he just sits in an office at a computer and they send him files in the mail and then he sends back his work when he's done.
PS. that was about working as a crew member. as far as actors go, you could try and just put yourself out there, submit pictures and videos of yourself and hope you get picked up. A better way would be to try and get hooked up with a modelling agency, talk to them about doing nude work, maybe build yourself up first as far as getting work done (small times shoots, stuff like that) and associations to try and get you in the door.