How dangerous people get their guns

Overweight police officer with a weapon can be very dangerous.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That fucking guy shouldn't even be riding a desk! If you're in law enforcement, you should be in good physicall shape no matter what your rank, or position.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I can answer that for you without even clicking your link. THEFT, drug deals, street corner deals, etc.

Am I right or do I reeeaaalllly need to click your link? Say it ain't so

I did click the link, and basically from what I got by skimming was, people sell their guns without paperwork, blah, blah. I know some of that shit happens, and it sucks for the law abiding, but lawful gun owners don't go and buy fully automatic how are gangs getting those? Mexican drug cartels aren't crossing the border, and buying crates full of M4 carbines. Although I would bet my left nut that their corrupt police and military are stealing and selling thim. I would bet more guns on the streets ARE stolen from lawful homeowners, then are sold at gun shows. They started out with that nut job muslim and his wife, that got their guns from the guy next door. He is being charged with many crimes, and one of them should be accessory to murder, as should anyone that does something that stupid...but when you have a president that WILLFULLY lets guns into the hands of gangs and claims it was a failed sting operation, that president needs to answer criminal charges, as do ALL involved. I'm fucking tired of this nonsense. I don't want to see innocent people die, but my rights should not be infringed upon in ANY form to try and stop these tragedies. I think a great place to start, would be to stop giving second chances, and to enforce laws already on the books. If someone commits a crime with a gun, no plea bargaining, no don't want him to pick up a gun again.....cut off his fucking hands! Instead of going straight to my rights, try taking away more of his. Another good place to start would be taking a good long hard look at the side effects of all of these prescriptions, that have made billions in profits, for big pharmaceutical companies. Stop creating repeat offenders, and quit whining when a criminal is killed by police. You commit a violet crime, you just gave up your rights...he didn't seem to care to much about his victims rights.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sharia law? ;)

No...brutal fucking revenge! If some fucking piece of filth did harm to my loved ones, I would get medieval...and I would sleep real good when I was done.

If some degenerate piece of garbage raped a little kid, no one would scream sharia law when castration was called for. People might call it extreme, or mob justice, but sharia is the LAST word used.