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  • a2j_1.jpg
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Wasn't there some debate questioning whether or not she was of "legal" age when those early videos were filmed?
This ended up being in a certain red top english newspaper because of all the hanah vids onto various websites so there was a lot of underground stories about this Hanah girl anyway for anyone thats interested the story goes....

Herself around 2004 and her then b/f the camerman and starred in some of the vids wanted to earn some cash so made up these vids ( i'm not to sure they wanted the whole paris hilton thing or to become famous pornstars) but maybe just a little cash but anyways her parents found out about this and were not happy with the b/f as you would understand she was only around 18 at the time living at home and made her dump him i should also add they set up a site which has since been pulled when her parents found out but there are 1 or 2 fake ones around that have the original content, and Hanah after the b/f was dumped and a soft core paper ni England told the story has gone into hiding and never been seen, so i guess she is at college/uni now or just doing a 9-5 job

oh what could have been :)