Hot Blond Girl dressed like Sin City's Gail

Hi to All!
Searching on YouTube and others similar sites,I found the videoclip of a russian girl who call herserlf Dvj Bazuka.Well,her music is quite horrible,but her videoclips are taken from many porn videos,in one there is Monique Covet,in another Jana Cova and Valentina Vaughn,in other Jenna Jameson and etc. etc.
In this video there is this hot blond girl dressed as a porn parody of Gail,the fetish whore of Sin City,but I don't found her name.Do you know it?
Here a little gallery:
The videoclip is easy to found,searching on Google,Yahoo,etc. etc.
Ah,she has a spiked wire tattoed on her right arm,near the shoulder
Thank you a lot!:bowdown::bowdown:
I have also been searching for quite some time to find out the name of the blonde in that video. She is also in the DVJ Bazuka videos "Sexotic Paradize" and "Slow".

I would love it if someone in this Bulletin Board could come up with her name. Maybe someone will soon....

This is the official website of DVJ Bazuka:
maybe I'm blind, but I don't see a reference to the video "Girlz fak boys".


The erotic videos she puts out on her DVDs are not listed out on her site. In fact, her site has limited information about any of her video DVDs period. Her site doesn't help with this issue. "Girlz Fak Boyz" is part of the Sexotic DVD - Episode 6. As is "Slow" and "Sexotic Paradize" which the blonde is also in.