Horror Movie Trends


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yes we all know it's zombies right now, they are the new vampires. There always seems to be a horror trend for at least 10 years or so. And I remember back in the 80's it was slashers, 70's was more along the lines of demonic posession and Satanic story lines also nature attacks trends. And then you had the dangers of atomic and nuclear radition mutating everything from the 60's.
So is there a new horror movie trend that you would like to see?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Smart killers, like Ghostface.
I'd like to see more terror movies. Like the remake of Last House On The Left. They've always been there since classics like I Spit On Your Grave, but they've always been kind of a mini subgrenre.
If they're well made and probably mixed a little with other horror genres like it was made in Haute Tension (High Tension) or in Rob Zombies Halloween, they're amongst the best horror movies.

But there's another trend underlying the ones you described, LukeEl. It's not just a change in genre and badguys. Whereas the horror movies of the 50's where mostly overacted, the movies of the 70's became more grave, violent, realistic. In the 80's and early 90's there came more gore. And not to forget in the 90's all the pretty horror movies, as I'd like to call them (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer etc.). In the last 5 to 10 years, horror movies became more violent and more realistic again. And they were often more about the characters and not just the killing. For example the great Dawn Of The Dead remake by Zack Snyder.
Gothic horrors, like we used to get in the late 50's and 60's where the scares were based more on what you didn't see rather than throwing everything in your face like they do now.

I've liked zombies ever since the first Resident Evil (the video game, not the shitty movies) back in 1996. It is getting ridiculous the amount of stuff coming out with them but The Walking Dead show is cool


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I would love to see a proper live-action Resident Evil movie, not this W.S Anderson crap.
I would love to see a proper live-action Resident Evil movie, not this W.S Anderson crap.

So many video games could have good movies if a proper director was put in charge. W.S Anderson is a joke. Same with that other guy who does all the adaptations...Boll? His name escapes me at the moment. Imagine John Carpenter directing Doom? :hairpull:

Back on topic...

I've liked zombies and the like my entire life, but all these shit movies/tv shows/video games are just ruining it. How many bad movies have to be released until this entire fad gets stale?? Diary of the Dead? Zombieland? Resident Evil crap adaptations? C'mon, man. The Walking Dead isn't even that good. The show, not the books, those are fantastic. Maybe I'm just zombied out. I dunno.

As far as LukeEl's question goes, I'd like to see more space horror/alien terror type movies. Think Alien/Pandorum/The Thing, etc. Those are good. I like the religious/psychological horrors too. This season of Dexter is going to be incredible!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
So many video games could have good movies if a proper director was put in charge. W.S Anderson is a joke. Same with that other guy who does all the adaptations...Boll? His name escapes me at the moment. Imagine John Carpenter directing Doom? :hairpull:

Back on topic...

I've liked zombies and the like my entire life, but all these shit movies/tv shows/video games are just ruining it. How many bad movies have to be released until this entire fad gets stale?? Diary of the Dead? Zombieland? Resident Evil crap adaptations? C'mon, man. The Walking Dead isn't even that good. The show, not the books, those are fantastic. Maybe I'm just zombied out. I dunno.

As far as LukeEl's question goes, I'd like to see more space horror/alien terror type movies. Think Alien/Pandorum/The Thing, etc. Those are good. I like the religious/psychological horrors too. This season of Dexter is going to be incredible!

Why not Prom of The Dead? Or Highschool of The Dead?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And she'll probably speaking American in it.
Hollywood sticks to what makes money playing it safe as opposed to taking risks. Why come up with a new idea that might fail when they can just repackage something or pinch off a sequel. We complain but we go stand in line and reward them with our 12 bucks. I am guilty too as I'd rather watch any Horror Movie a second time than a Julia Roberts movie for the first time.

I'd love to see the Italians make a comeback in Horror but their great filmmakers are either dead or old guys like Argento that are done.

Have the French done anything lately? They were on a roll with Irreversible, Frontiers, Inside, and Martyrs.


I really enjoy movies like Paranormal 1 and 2 (3 coming out this month) and flicks like The Blair Witch Project. I'd like to see more like that. If a horror movie is too slick, it just ain't good. :2 cents:
I really enjoy movies like Paranormal 1 and 2 (3 coming out this month) and flicks like The Blair Witch Project. I'd like to see more like that. If a horror movie is too slick, it just ain't good. :2 cents:

If you like first person perspectives, see [REC] AND [REC] 2. Great Horror from Spain. Quarantine is the remake of [REC].


For the EMPEROR!!
Like others have said, I'd like to see the Alien/Sci-Fi type more often. I remember my mates and I sneaking into the theatre when I was a kid, to see Alien. Scared the crap out of me. Good times.

As much as I like the zombie genre, they do seem to be going overboard with it lately.
Like others have said, I'd like to see the Alien/Sci-Fi type more often. I remember my mates and I sneaking into the theatre when I was a kid, to see Alien. Scared the crap out of me. Good times.

As much as I like the zombie genre, they do seem to be going overboard with it lately.

There's an Italian film called Contamination that is a combination of Alien with Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. It's not nearly as good as either film but it is gory as Hell and entertaining.