No, that trend is just in the US. Countries like France, Spain and Great Britain have made lots of excellent original horror movies these last few years.
For the most part that is true. The US is the worst of the bunch by a clear mile for that accusation I made in the other post.
Lamberto Bava (Demons, Demons 2) when asked about remaking Demons, he said something like "I wont do it. I wont be a part of the remake hell Hollywood is stuck in." so good on him, well done, one of the more famous horror movie makers not willing to jump on the remake bandwagon.
Speaking of Demons, they are trying to get a Demons 3 off the ground. I think Tony The Pimp and others are trying to get funding for it. I think they are going to film the first ten minutes and show it around to see who will jump onboard and finance it. I look forward to another Demons movie. A true sequel to Demons and Demons 2. I will welcome it with open arms. As it will be done by those who more or less had a hand in making and staring in the first two. Meaning? Italians NOT Hollywood. So it will be a sequel and a long saught after one by me.
Anything Hollywood tries to do with this series or any other horror series can fuck right off!.
More creepy ghost stories would be cool.
Plus creative ideas like children of the corn and the little girl who lived down the lane type stuff too.
I watched Children of the Corn last night... :eek:
It still pisses on most horror movies out there today that have come from Hollywood. I bought it in a 3 DVD boxset from Asda.
Children of the Corn.
It cost £5 for the 3 movie boxset. So that's not bad as COTC is worth that it's self. But Hellraiser isn't exactly a great movie. Ashley Laurence is a nice erection maker and all but that's about it as far as Hellraiser goes.