Extremely disturbing footage and can't believe the lack of basic human compassion shown by both the truck drivers and passers by
:hairpull:, unsurprisingly I read somewhere the girl has since died, RIP.
Warning! Extremely Graphic
Warning! Extremely Graphic
Horrific footage shows girl, two, run over TWICE as dozens of people ignore her lying stricken on the road
Video footage of a two-year-old girl being run over by a van and ignored by passersby in China has sparked outrage after being posted online.
The graphic surveillance video of the incident on October 13 in Foshan city, Guandong province, shows the girl run over by a van, which then drives off leaving her bleeding on a narrow street.
More than a dozen people walk or drive past the critically injured girl without going to her aid before she is run over by a second truck.
A woman - the 19th person to pass the girl - pulls her to the side of the street before her mother, a migrant worker in the city, rushes into the picture.
The girl, named online as Yue Yuem, is in a coma in hospital according to Xinhua news agency.
China Daily, the country's official English-language newspaper, said she had been declared 'brain dead' and could die at any time.
Both drivers who ran her over have been arrested, but internet users have flooded microblogs over the apathy of the people who left her to die.
China's economic boom and the growing disparity between the rich and poor have made changing social values a contentious topic, with some lamenting what they see as materialism replacing morals.
On China's microblog service Sina Weibo, one user called the incident 'the shame of the Chinese people'.
Another user, under the name Xiaozhong001, wrote: 'Really, what is up with our society? I saw this and my heart went cold.
'Everyone needs to do some soul-searching about ending this kind of indifference.'
Many people in China are hesitant to help people who appear to be in distress over fears they will be blamed.
High-profile law suits have ended with good Samaritans ordered to pay hefty fines to individuals they sought to help.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-lying-stricken-road-China.html#ixzz1b4bKUN1N