I hate to piss on his parade, but I believe all of this attention he is getting so fast is VERY dangerous & he most certainly will fall off the wagon sooner, rather than later! The only thing more dangerous than an addict with no money is an addict with money! Instant celebrity is difficult enough to deal/cope with for people without substance abuse problems, much less for a person who is a hardcore addict! Now they are throwing all kinds of job offers, money, attention, a new home, etc., at him all at once! I just don't see this ultimately having a happy ending!
He had a career in radio before, and pissed it all away! I believe he should be making efforts to REALLY get his life together, which isn't an easy thing, before he embarks on such an ambitious path such as the one being offered through all of the job offers! I'm sure people will use him as long as they can, but they won't be there for him when he pisses it all away again!
For those who were wondering, Ted Williams does in fact have an EXTENSIVE criminal history! No rapes or murders that I know of, but his rap sheet is pretty lengthy none the less! If memory serves me correctly, it is mainly burglary, robbery, theft, and fraud related crimes! You know, the standard crimes for an addict who is looking for a buck for his next fix. I've seen something like 7-8 of his mug shots already. Those who have made him job offers, offers of a new home, etc. are all aware of it too.
Like I already said, I don't see this ultimately havng a happy ending. However, when he ultimately crashes again, given the attention span of American pop culture with regard to instant pseudo-celebraties, I'm sure nobody will notice.....as we will have moved in to the next flavor of the day/week long ago!