Official Checked Star Member
What do you guys think about the lighting in this room? It's my new cam room, btw.
I'm sorry Holly but you should retire...
And dedicate your life into turning your cat into a superstar! In his first appearance his pose was perfect, better than any actor could preform! His second appearance was so nonchalant as if he KNEW he was sneaking into the photo and didn't care because YOU were infringing on HIS photo opportunity.
In short...Your cat (and all cats) RULES!
PS: Excellent photos!
My tongue just got hard...
As long as we can see your yummy yummy naughty bits, we are happy.
I am happy.
That's my retarded cat and she's a bitch. She was cute when I got her and then one day I came home and one of her eyes was bloodshot and ever since then that eye has been bigger than the other one. And now all she does is drool on me lol. True story. :yesyes:
I totally spoke of your cat as if she was a he, apologies, to both you and her. I'm sorry about her eye problems, any idea why that happened? Either way I am sure you still worship her kittyness, right?
Regarding you asking about the lighting: The lighting is decent enough but could be better. Most pawnshops sell stage lighting and photographers lights somewhat cheap. I'm not sure exactly how much one would cost but it would definitely brighten the room up and would probably improve the quality of the photos.
It's ok. She'll forgive you. I think she might of briefly hung herself on the cords from the blinds, tbh.I have to admit that my other two kitties get most of my attention... that one just kind of annoys me... and the drool is really gross.
Ya, I'll probably get something like that eventually. I think it also has something to do with my camera... someone messed with the settings on it or something cause a bunch of the pictures were coming out blurry, and that was the only setting that looked decent.
You Might wanna get that looked at...
It's fine now...thank you for your concern.