I thought this sounded crazy too.
We all know there are people who die of Aids which is a syndrome. But does HIV cause Aids or is it a combination of stress from diagnosis and toxic overload of drugs in the body? The drug AZT is a DNA destroyer and kills. HIV could be one of thousands of retroviruses that our body has immunity to and just sits in our bodies. It could be the treatments that cause aids and are killing people.
You have to see the documentary to understand. Everyone involved who first discovered it is in the film interviewed.
I'll make it simple for you:
Every one of those people in that documentary are idiots. The "scientist" in there should be hit with a bus. It's not difficult to understand, you've got 5-10 people in this documentary who claim that HIV and AIDS are a scam, then you've got the millions of scientists who have put out well defended, articulate, research articles that have the backing of science.
I mean, come on man, this is how we got to believing the world was flat for 5000 years.